Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 1 Issue 1 (1 July 2016)
From the Desk
E ternity and its dance revealed in many ways to many beings.
For us its help came as healing and Hypnotherapy.
It is the grace of Divine and blessings of Light that you and I are
being given this gift of learning.
Where we can understand ourselves better by being the part of other's
journey. And heal ourselves by being the facilitators of healing in others
What is Hypnotherapy?
A question in every person's mind who never experienced it yet.
So very simply put - it is a therapy where , by a few sets of
command a Hypnotherapist helps his/her client,
to tap into that larger part of his brain 'which he/she access either
through meditation or through dreams', for the purpose of healing.
Yet here is a difference; here this journey is issue based
and client has a purpose to heal himself
here his conscious mind is awake , means he is aware of his
surroundings and totally in control.
This Hypnotherapy
Journal (it is speci fi c it talks only about
Hypnotherapy )/ Magazine (It is meant for Hypnotherapists as well as
unaware Audience who do not know about this medium ) is an effort to
bring community of Therapists and energy healer together and share
their work and bring awareness to the masses.
It is The First issue of "Healing and Hypnotherapy",
Lets begin this journey as the first step towards self awareness.
What is Life? From Nothingness to Nothingness ……..voyage in
between. Send your reactions or write ups at email id given below.
Thank you.
Varsha Prakaash
Clinical Hypnotherapist,
Crystal H eale
Tarrot Readerr
email:[email protected]
1. Hypnobirthing
-Marina Wolny Kumar
2. Meditation & hypnotic Trance
-A Prakash
3. Surgery/hypnotherapy
-Ambika Warrior
4. Dreams..........
-Dr. Nanda
5. Karma & Past Life.....
-Neha Sharma
6. Sexual Criminality& hypnotherapy - Varsha Prakaash