Healing and Hypnotherapy Special Mega Annual Issue 21 June 2017 | Page 10

hours she started improving. Within six months she was cured of her problem. But what was more surprising that she stopped seeing, hearing and talking with dead husband. Today, after about fifteen years after this first consultation with this patient and with two years into hypnotherapy, I see a very surprising but pleasant relation between homoeopathy and other energy sciences. Natrum muriaticum, a remedy from common salt was my remedy in this case where the patient claimed to not only to see and hear her dead husband but also talks to him and in these energy sciences salt is one of the main methods of removing negative energies attachments, including those of ghosts and spirits. Was it a coincidence???!!! Perhaps not! Salt has been used from time immemorial to ward of the effects of evil-eye. Here I would share as hypnotherapy started to show me how Spirit or soul as we called is, actually the real traveller, and the real us is our soul (spirit or energy body). Past life regressions in Hypnotherapy shows how we change body as clothes for various purposes. Purpose like Karmic bond, Learning etc… here we encounter some amazing facts about spirits attached to other people since they could neither release themselves nor can live in this realm as person, they can either wander or attached themselves with others to prey on their energies. It is amazing that How 'Hypnotherapy' with its simple set of commands can take people to their weaknesses and by their own inner strength and ability to heal themselves it can cure them. Let us briefly see how can salt be used to remove the negative or black energies.: Salt cleanse for rooms and spaces • One can use any of the flowing methods for removal of negative energies from rooms and spaces: • Sprinkle salt crystals on the floor. After around a hour or two you can be vacuum. • One can also mix salt crystals in water and wipe the floor with this water. • Salt crystals have a stunning regular inherent capacity to assimilate negative vitality. One can put dishes of salt toward the edges of the room and remove these