HeadWise HeadWise: Volume 6, Issue | Page 4

The National Headache Foundation • www . headaches . org
NHF Board of Directors
PRESIDENT Vincent T . Martin , MD
SECRETARY Margaret E . Azarian , PhD
TREASURER Chad J . Beste
NHF Board Members James Beasley Jan Lewis Brandes , MD Roger K . Cady , MD Merle L . Diamond , MD Arthur H . Elkind , MD
Joshua Friedman , Esq . Mark W . Green , MD Emily Kaplan Kandel Marc D . Lefkowitz Roger Plummer Alan B . Rosenberg , MD Timothy R . Smith , MD , RPh , FACP Stephen Stern , Esq .
Honorary Board Donald J . Dalessio , MD Carol Girard-de-Frain Philip E . Hixon Patrick P . A . Humphrey , PhD , DSc Paul Kandel Richard B . Lipton , MD Edmund Messina , MD Ian Phillips A . David Rothner , MD
Gary Ruoff , MD James M . Staulcup , Esq . Walter Stewart , PhD , MPH K . Michael Welch , MB , ChB , FRCP Janet Zlatoff-Mirsky
Editorial Board Arthur H . Elkind , MD , Chair Margaret E . Azarian , PhD Jan Lewis Brandes , MD Roger K . Cady , MD A . David Rothner , MD
Managing Editor Mary A . Franklin
Mission To cure headache , and end its pain and suffering .
Vision A world without headache .
HeadWise ® ISSN 2167.4280 ( 2016 , Volume 6 , Issue 1 ) is published quarterly by the National Headache Foundation , 820 North Orleans , Suite 411 , Chicago , IL 60610 . Periodicals postage paid at Carol Stream , IL 60188 and at additional mailing offices .
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HeadWise ® , NHF , 820 N . Orleans St ., Ste . 411 , Chicago , IL 60610
Copyright © 2016 , National Headache Foundation ( NHF ), all rights reserved . No portion of the magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of NHF .
This publication discusses a broad range of headache information in an effort to inform and educate readers , but is not intended to substitute for the advice of your health care provider . Statements expressed herein are not necessarily those of NHF .
Send Us Your Feedback Letters , manuscripts , stories , materials or photographs are welcomed but will not be returned . Submission of letters implies the right to edit and publish all or in part . Submissions may be sent to : mfranklin @ headaches . org . Please indicate your name , address and phone number .
Mail : Seymour Diamond , MD Executive Chairman and Founder National Headache Foundation 820 North Orleans , Suite 411 Chicago , IL 60610 Email : mfranklin @ headaches . org
HeadWise ® is sent to members of the National Headache Foundation . For information on membership , call 888- NHF-5552 .
Check out additional HeadWise ® and NHF content at www . headaches . org .
4 HeadWise ® | Volume 6 , Issue 1 • 2016