Your Contributions to the
National Headache Foundation
Help Fund Projects
What’s being done to help your
headache problem? There is an
unprecedented amount of research
being undertaken regarding migraine
and other headache pain. The National
Headache Foundation is involved in this
effort with the help of funding from you.
Contributions are a key part of the
financial support of important headache
research. Your gift provides funds for
(a) NHF-financed research projects,
(b) advocacy with health policy decision
makers, and (c) patient-education
initiatives. You can help! The National
Headache Foundation, the #1 source for
headache help, provides these services
and many others through the generosity
of people like you.
Please select one of the following giving categories:
❒ $250
❒ $125
❒ $100
❒ $75
❒ Other _________________
Name: _______________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
City: _________________________________________________
State/Zip: ____________________________________________
Daytime Phone: ________________________________________
Method of Payment:
Check or Money Order payable to National Headache Foundation
❒ Visa
❒ MasterCard
❒ Amex
❒ Discover
Card #: _____________________ Expiration Date: ___________
New Membership | Toll-Free (888) NHF-5552 |
Individual Membership:
$20.00 to receive HeadWise® plus the monthly e-newsletter, NHF News to Know, Payment enclosed (check payable to National Headache Foundation)
when you join the National Headache Foundation
In addition, I’d like to make a tax-deductible contribution in support of NHF’s
educational programs in the amount of: $10 $25 $50 Other: $_____ Charge to my credit card: Amex Discover Mastercard
Name (Please Print) ___________________________________________________________
Credit Card Number
Expiration Date
Address ___________________________________________________________
Cardholder’s Signature
City/State/Zip/Country ___________________________________________________________
Billing Address (If different from mailing address)
Preferred Phone #
E-mail Address ___________________________________________________________
Please mail this form with your payment to: National Headache Foundation, 820 N. Orleans, Ste. 411, Chicago, IL 60610 or renew online by visting
National Headache Foundation