HeadWise HeadWise: Volume 2, Issue | Page 20

wise know words your headache

The Romance Buster

When sex triggers head pain , treatment may be ������������������������������������������������������������������
nAme : Jim Staulcup , Jr ., Esq . ReSIDence : Geneva , Ill . conDITIon : Cluster headaches FIRST DIAGnoSeD : 1978

Your Contributions to the National Headache Foundation Help Fund Projects

What ’ s being done to help your headache problem ? There is an unprecedented amount of research being done regarding migraine and other headache pain . The National Headache Foundation is involved in this effort with the help of funding from you . Contributions are a key part of the financial support of important headache research . Your gift provides funds for ( a ) NHF-financed research projects , ( b ) education for health care providers , and ( c ) patient-education initiatives . You can help ! The National ����������������������������������� for headache help , provides these services and many others through the generosity of people like you .
Please select one of the following giving categories :
Name : � �����������������������������������������������
Address : � ���������������������������������������������
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State / Zip : � ��������������������������������������������
Daytime Phone : ����������������������������������������� Method of Payment : Check or Money Order payable to National Headache Foundation � Visa �����MasterCard �������Amex �����Discover
Photography by Morgan Anderson
What ’ s the most frustrating thing about your life ? I never know when a cycle of headache clusters will start up . I typically can go three to five years without having a cluster cycle . When the symptoms occur , I experience a burning pain in the eye and a series of headaches that leave me incapacitated .
How do you manage your condition ? I try to stay physically and mentally active . I ’ m involved in community projects and activities . I ’ m engaged in support work for organizations such as the National Headache Foundation . I also enjoy walking , dining out , reading and staying social .
What are you most thankful for ? I ’ m thankful for days when I ’ m able to function with little distraction from headaches . This is primarily thanks to inpatient treatment by the Diamond Headache Clinic in Chicago . The clinic was successful in helping me identify what kinds of foods trigger the cycles of my headache clusters . The clinic also introduced me to the use of oxygen treatments when I feel an oncoming cycle , and oxygen aborts it . Oxygen may not stop the headache from reoccurring shortly after that , but it eases the initial pain .
What ’ s your greatest achievement ? Professionally , I ’ ve had the opportunity to handle significant legal matters that had great results for my clients , when I was in-house counsel for major corporations and when I was in private practice . Personally , I ’ m very fortunate to have a great family and six grandchildren .
What ’ s your favorite thing to read ? I like to read historical books and biographies , books about the Revolutionary War and the Civil War . My favorite biography is of John Adams . I also enjoy mystery and action books . They allow me to daydream and not have to read as carefully .
Where do you get the greatest support ? My family is very positive in their support . My wife is very understanding , and our three daughters help by staying out of the way when my symptoms occur .
Jim Staulcup , Jr ., Esq ., is a retired attorney who enjoys spending time with his family and doing charitable work . He enjoys genealogy and has successfully traced his paternal roots back ������������������������������������������������������������� his daughters .
Submit your own story at www . headwisemag . org / WiseWords .

Leave a Legacy to the National Headache Foundation

With a planned gift to the National Headache Foundation , you can combine your desire to give to charity with your overall financial , tax and estate planning goals . Your planned gift gives you a special connection with NHF : you will help those suffering from recurring headaches and migraines now and for years to come .
The following general forms are suggested :
Specific Bequest in your will or trust – “ I give to the National Headache Foundation , ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������
Residual Bequest in your will or trust : “ I give to the National Headache Foundation , whose ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������
This information is not intended as legal advice , but is merely suggestions as to content . The specific language should be written or adapted by your legal counsel .