HeadWise HeadWise: Volume 2, Issue 2 | Page 11

you said it

New Discovery “ I received a bundle of Head Wise magazines in the mail today . I really enjoyed reading the magazine . When I saw it , I thought , ‘ What perfect timing !’ I am scheduled to attend a health fair for a local company and have been asked to bring material specific to migraine and headache . I would love to bring this magazine !”
“ At my doctor ’ s appointment today , I found a magazine called Head Wise , a very informative issue on migraines and a great link to the National Headache Foundation .” — GLORIA K .
“ I saw your magazine at the doctor ’ s office yesterday … how do I subscribe ?” — VICKI Z .
HW : We are so glad you found us ! If you stumbled across this magazine and would like to subscribe , visit www . headaches . org and click “ Become a member ” at the top right of the home page . By joining the National Headache Foundation , you will receive a subscription to Head Wise . ( For more information , see the inside back cover )
Positive Thinking “( Regarding the article ‘ Happy Thoughts ’ from the Winter 2011 issue of Head Wise ), I believe it is offensive and truly diminishes us as patients . I ask other readers to join me and request that you kindly print an apology and a retraction . The fact that you would actually stand behind this article is disgraceful and discouraging to all of us who are suffering .” — AMY B .
“ There is some really good information in (‘ Happy Thoughts ’). I have had a constant headache for almost two years , and I have different types of migraines . I choose to endure these headaches not suffer from them . Positive thinking does help .” — APRIL I .
“ It is very difficult to stay positive when the headache is 24 / 7 , the experts cannot help you , medications don ’ t help and one of the experts actually tells you that sometimes the headache just goes away on its own . It is very discouraging .” — TEENA L .
HW : Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on this article . We apologize if this article was offensive . The intention was not to position positive thinking as a cure for migraines or headaches , or to minimize anyone ’ s experience of migraines or headaches . We know that finding effective treatment can be very difficult and that relief cannot be achieved solely by thinking positively alone . This article was included to highlight one of the tools that can be helpful in coping with — but not curing — chronic migraine or headache .
If you have comments or suggestions about Head Wise , send them to info @ headaches . org or post them on the NHF Facebook page .
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