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Found on Facebook
Does your employer know you suffer from a migraine or headache disorder ? Angela C . - I was fired from five jobs due to attendance problems . I was told I was a great employee “ when I was there ,” but I was gone too much . I also had to deal with my co-workers asking me why I was out so much with “ just a headache .” There are only a few people in my life who truly understand what I go through .
Elaine W . - If migraines had an easily identifiable physical symptom , it would be illegal to discriminate against sufferers . Unfortunately , migraines are “ easy to fake ,” and the word “ migraine ” is thrown around as a synonym for a bad headache . As such , the word has lost all power .
Do you avoid or delay taking your medications when you start to experience a migraine attack ? Kathy R . - Since over-the-counter meds don ’ t work and prescription meds are limited by insurance , I do delay . My doc hates that practice , but I ’ m afraid I ’ ll run out before my next refill is available . One insurance company only allowed three pills a month — couldn ’ t help but think they ’ d change their policy if they had to get through a migraine without meds !
Tricia B . - No , never delay . I have done it before and WOW did I regret it !
How do you prepare for a doctor ’ s appointment to make it as successful as it can be ? Tom S . - I write my questions on a 3 x 5 card in advance . I ask my doctor to write down the diagnosis and prognosis each time . I make sure he gives me all my “ numbers .” I inventory all my meds in advance and ask for script renewals . A physician ’ s time is valuable , and I want to make the most of it .
Janis S . - No one will ever have more compassion for people with migraines than a fellow migraineur . Find a doctor who suffers , too . They ’ ll have sympathy !
Overheard on Twitter at # Migraine
@ FantasticDork Awesome . Got that weird aura going on that usually precedes a massive # migraine . This ought to be fun . Vision at 60 percent . Annoyance at 100 percent .
@ bevincate Dear head . Please don ’ t explode on the students . They ’ re lawyers and could sue . I ’ ll let you rest later . # migraine # negotiation
@ RetroMimi Woke up with no # migraine today . I would pay $ 1,000 a day to feel this good day every day .
@ J _ Kroll Sizzling visual aura . Tingling face and eyelid . Swirling electric gray blobs with bubbling cross patterns . Just another # migraine morning .
What are your reasons for medication delay ?
Waiting to see if headache develops into migraine 34 votes
Only want to take meds if it ’ s a severe attack 24 votes
Don ’ t have enough meds / too expensive 21 votes
Concerns about drug effectiveness 11 votes
Concerns about side effects 6 votes
Are you currently on any preventive medication for migraine or headache disorders ?
61 votes
10 votes
Source : NHF Facebook surveys , August 2011
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