HeadWise HeadWise: Volume 1, Issue 2 | Page 50

wise words

NAME : Sheila Jones-Lineberry RESIDENCE : Orangeburg , S . C . CONDITIONS : Migraines , cluster headaches
FIRST DIAGNOSED : Suffered an aneurysm in 1978 , and headaches began shortly after the surgery
Photography by Morgan Anderson
What ’ s the most frustrating thing about living with migraine ? I can ’ t articulate what I go through when I have a migraine . People look at me and say , “ You ’ re always so happy-go-lucky . You couldn ’ t be as sick as you ’ re saying .” That ’ s what the public thinks when they look at you — you ’ re pretending . I ’ ve stopped trying to convince people I ’ m sick .
What are you most thankful for ? Having a supportive family . My mother suffered from migraine so she was really , really supportive . My dad was supportive of my headaches , too . And now that I ’ m married , my best support system is my husband , Isiah .
What ’ s your greatest achievement ? I think my greatest achievement is the fact that I was able to rear wonderful , God-fearing children .
How do you live your day-to-day life ? When my kids used the word “ can ’ t ,” that was like profanity in my household . We ’ d say , “ What do you mean you can ’ t ? You can do anything .” And that ’ s the way I try to live . Anything I think I can do , I try to do . I ’ m the little engine that could .
What ’ s your favorite book ? The Bible — reading the Healing Scriptures .
What ’ s your idea of happiness ? Living from day to day and week to week with as few migraines as possible .
SHEILA JONES-LINEBERRY is an early-childhood coordinator for Save the Children at Dover Elementary School , Orangeburg Consolidated School District 5 .
48 HEAD WISE | Volume 1 , Issue 2 • 2011