Relaxing your jaw is crucial to eliminating your headache pain . the problem and learn how to control it .
Here are a few feel-good tips that can help you relax your jaw area :
1 Jaw and temple massage : This is a quick and effective massage you can do while at your desk or watching television . With your teeth apart , use your fingertips to massage firmly around the TMJ . Then move your fingertips downward and massage the muscles lower on the jaw . Finally , move your fingertips up to the temporalis muscle and massage it in a circular motion . You should notice this area feeling really good after just a couple of minutes .
2 Pterygoid massage : The pterygoid muscles are located inside the mouth near the TMJ , so they are harder to access . Prepare by washing your hands thoroughly or using latex gloves .
Go into your mouth with your index finger and massage the pterygoid muscles , making sure to move in the direction of the muscle . If these muscles hold any excess tension , it will be easy to find them , as they will be somewhat tender or sore to the touch . Use firm pressure and massage for 30 to 60 seconds on each side . After removing your hand , pause for a moment to notice how these muscles now feel . They should feel slightly tender from being worked . If they don ’ t , try going a little deeper next time . Conversely , if they feel extremely sore , use softer pressure in the future .
If you are not sure you are doing this technique correctly , you can have a chiropractor , a massage therapist or an osteopathic physician guide you through pterygoid muscle massage .
There are a number of factors that contribute to head pain . If you want to keep your headaches in check , it ’ s important to mitigate as many of these factors as you can . Start today with these two simple exercises , and you can help keep jaw tension — and the resulting headaches — at bay . HW
KELSIE KENEFICK , MPS , BCB , LMHC , is the author of the award-winning book Migraines Be Gone and the founder of Naturally Pain Free . She created a home program that helps headache sufferers learn how to control their headaches . Learn more at www . naturallypainfree . com .
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