Head Of The Charles Regatta 2018 HOCR Program | Page 31

memories/ WHEN HARRY PARKER ASKED ME TO BE HIS DOUBLES PARTNER DAN BOYNE I got the call in late September, when all the crews had already been out training on the Charles for several weeks. “Dan, it’s Harry,” the caller said, dis- pensing with the normal pleasantries. The dark timber of the voice, bor- dering on a growl, was unmistakable. It was Harry Parker, the Harvard men’s heavyweight coach. “Yes, Harry,” I replied, immediately bracing myself. Usually when Parker called it only meant one thing— you’d done something wrong and he was going to let you know about it. “I’m calling because my son David can’t row with me in the Head of the Charles this year, and I thought you might be interested in taking his place.” I paused for a moment, caught off guard. Wait, I thought. Parker was asking me to row with him? “You and David are about the same weight,” he added, sensing my confusion. “Right,” I said. “Well, I haven’t been training much this fall...” “You have three weeks, so that should be plenty,” he said. “Think OPPOSITE PAGE Dan Boyne with Harry Parker (stern seat). PHOTO: SPORT GRAPHICS MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION FIFTY-FOURTH HEAD OF THE CHARLES REGATTA 31