Humanitarian Response SITUATION REPORT | 5
World Vision is a member of the NGOs consortium which is led by CRS in implementing Joint Emergency Operation Plan ( JEOP ) program in Ethiopia . The program is funded by USAID and objective of the program is to respond to the emergency food needs of targeted beneficiaries affected by the transitory food shocks .
WV Ethiopia has been running JEOP program in 17 districts ( 15 in SNNPR and 2 in Oromia regions , respectively ).
World Vision Ethiopia is operating in good collaboration with all concerned stakeholders to make sure that timely delivery of food assistance made to the needy people .
As a result of food distribution intervention , transitory food insecure populations have met their emergency food needs a timely manner and targeted households protected their assets ; timely conditional food transfers reduce stress sales of livestock in targeted households .
Number of people benefiting from food assistance of World Vision Ethiopia ’ s Joint Emergency Operation Program ( JEOP ) has been increasing ; compared with the previous month , 11 % increment observed in beneficiaries . In July 2016 , the general food distribution is ( 4,052.145 wheat , 405.215 YSP and 121.564 oil ) for 270,143 drought affected people ( 142,149 men and 127,994 women ) from 15 districts .
WV Ethiopia has provided fast growing and productive varieties of cereals and pulses in the Belg and Meher seasons so that people in the drought affected areas can feed themselves in the year to come .
World Vision Ethiopia has strengthened recovery programs for drought affected people in combination with the lifesaving activities . Seed distribution to Meher ( long season ) crop planting is continued in 15 districts across drought affected areas in addition to the usual livelihood intervention in sponsorship . As of July 31 , 2016 , the number of households benefited with seed support reached 81,790 .
Xxx kg of wheat , xx kg of maize , xx kg haricot bean , sorghum ,
World Vision Ethiopia declared CAT III National Office Response for the Ethiopia El Nino triggered humanitarian in October 2015 following the emergency appeal by the Government of Ethiopia . Since then WV Ethiopia has managed to raise over $ 43 million from the targeted $ 48 million .
WV Ethiopia in collaboration with the Government of Ethiopia , donors , partners , and the community at large contributed a potato , tuber , etc . provided to xxx people in the Belg and Meher seasons .
Moreover , WVE linked those seed intervention beneficiaries with Vision Fund so that they would be able to acquire the full package of the planting materials and other relevant inputs .
Further , the failure of the belg rain severely damaged the livestock resources leaving the people more vulnerable . To this end , WV Ethiopia supported veterinary drugs and animal feed . These interventions helped the people stay in their localities , protect household assets , and mitigate the risks they faced due to the drought .
great deal in saving lives and restoring the livelihoods of millions of people who were at risk due to the drought .
So far WV Ethiopia benefitted over 1.8 million people , particularly children , lactating mothers , and pregnant women who were affected by the drought through WASH , Integrated Health and Nutrition , Food Distribution , and Livelihoods and Food Security in Oromia , SNNPR , Amhara , and Tigray Regions .
WORLD VISION ETHIOPIA AMCE- Bole Road , Bole Sub-City ; Kebele 11 , H # 518 P . O . Box 3330 , Addis Ababa , Ethiopia Tel . + 251 11 629 33 50 Fax . + 251 11 629 33 46 E-mail : info _ et @ wvi . org www . wvi . org / ethiopia