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HCS 451 Week 5 Discussion Question 2
drawn to the larger state-of-the-art hospital facilities in urban areas that are perceived to have better quality . ABC Hospital was built in 1960 and has been operating in the same manner for many decades . The hospital meets legal and regulatory requirements but has not kept pace with some of the newer technologies and patient conveniences becoming more prevalent in the health care industry .
o What strategies can the organization take to survive , improve its performance , and compete with other hospitals over the next 5 years ?
� What are some advantages or disadvantages of these strategies ? Provide specific examples to support your answers .
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HCS 451 Week 5 Discussion Question 2

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Review the scenario below and answer the questions that follow :
XYZ Health Department provides services to county residents . Budget cuts have forced the department to cut back on some services and lay off several staff , increasing the workload of other staff . Morale among staff has declined , and county residents have complained that they are not treated with dignity and respect and are not receiving high quality care and service .