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While comparing the two data groups it's found that at a 95% confidence interval the t value (0.636) is lesser compared to that of the crucial value of (2.365) making there no substantial difference with regards to the ages of the two groups of presidents. Additionally, while comparing this data regarding the modes of the two data groups (57 and 54) it can be projected that there is no real importance with regards to the difference in age. The following data sets demonstrates the ages of the first seven presidents (President Washington through President Jackson) and the seven latest presidents this includes President Obama. Age is provided at moment of inauguration. 2. A data set consists of a set of numerical values. Which, if any, of the following statements could be correct? a. There is no mode. b. There are two modes. c. There are three modes. 3. Indicate whether the given statement could apply to a data set consisting of 1,000 values that are all different. a. The 29th percentile is greater than the 30th percentile. b. The median is greater than the first quartile. c. The third quartile is greater than the first quartile. d. The mean is equal to the median. e. The range is zero ===================================================