HCS 235 Course Great Wisdom / tutorialrank.com HCS 235 Course Great Wisdom / tutorialrank.com | Page 3

and its effect on the health care industry. An example has been provided for you. Health Care Through Out the Years Date Event and Significance 1870-1889 Employers began to provide employee health care. Companies in several industries, including mining, lumber, and railroads, developed group industrial clinics with plans that prepaid doctors a fixed monthly fee to provide medical care to employees for industrial accidents and common illnesses. ================================================== HCS 235 Week 2 Health Care Services Worksheet (2 Set) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com HCS 235 Week 2 Health Care Services Worksheet As you learn about the different health care services, it is important to understand the differences and similarities between each. Complete the Health Care Services worksheet found in the student materials link of this assignment. At least one reference is required and it is to be in proper APA 6th edition format.