HCR 210 Week 7 CheckPoint Internet Databases FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . hcr210tutor . com
· Recall the Interview Data Threads from the Week Four assignment where you posted the information from your interviews .
· Review the information for interview questions 4 & 5 from your assigned thread and from at least one other thread of your classmates , to answer the following in 250 to 300 words :
� What conclusions can you draw about similarities and differences in the organization of patient files and the handling of loose reports within small , medium , and large facilities ? If applicable , you may want to review the information about record formats from the Week Three CheckPoint .
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HCR 210 Week 7 CheckPoint Internet Databases FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . hcr210tutor . com
CheckPoint : Internet Databases
· Resource : http :// www . apollolibrary . com / ERR / goerr . aspx ? frmCourse = 1717 & frm Week = 7