HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 30, No. 5 | Page 3

THE HIllSBoRoUGH CoUNTY BAR ASSoCIATIoN LAWYER MAY - JUNE 2020 | Vol. 30, No. 5 divisions 6 features & events 10 Coffee aT The CourThouse 14 2020 honorable roberT J. simms high sChool moCk Trial ComPeTiTion 10 17 yld reCognizes lyndsey siara 18 beyond The robe: Judge Caroline TesChe arkin by­Lyndsey­E.­Siara 4 6 8 Caring Through a Crisis ­ ditor’s­Message­ E by­Dineen­Pashoukos­Wasylik sTaying sTrong in This Challenging season 29 Criminal laW seCTion lunCheon 34 eminenT domain seCTion lunCheon/Cle 36 17Th annual JudiCial food fesTiVal & 12Th annual 5k Pro bono riVer run HCBA­President’s­Message­ by­Grace­H.­Yang 40 healTh Care laW seCTion PraCTiCing Wellness, esPeCially in Troubling Times 49 managing ParTners roundTable 53 seCuriTies laW seCTion YLD­President’s­Message­ by­Jeff­Wilcox 12 amid CoVid-19 PandemiC, signs of hoPe: healTh Care, fronTline CommuniTy Workers are ameriCa’s neWesT heroes Executive­Director’s­Message­ by­John­F.­Kynes 16 CourT oPeraTions in a CoVid-19 enVironmenT From­the­Thirteenth­Judicial­Circuit Chief­Judge­Ronald­Ficarrotta 29 lunCheon/Cle lunCheon/Cle 34 55 senior Counsel seCTion lunCheon 59 young laWyers diVision holds annual Cle 62 Trial & liTigaTion seCTion lunCheon 71 ask-a-laWyer 72 laWyer magazine 30-year anniVersary: faVoriTe CoVers from 2011-2015 36 about the Cover Continuing with our theme of highlighting unique and meaningful architecture and locations about the County, we are featuring this beautiful photo from MacDill Air Force Base, in honor of Memorial Day. MacDill Air Force Base has been a part of our community, since its founding in 1939. Today, MacDill is a busy and important base, serving as home to the 6th Air Refueling Wing, its 310th Airlift Squadron flying the C-37A, and its 50th Air Refueling Squadron and 91st Air Refueling Squadron flying the KC-135. It also is home to the headquarters for two of the U.S. military’s unified combatant commands: United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) and United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). We are proud to call MacDill and the service members and airmen who are stationed at the base part of our community. (Photo, courtesy of MacDill AFB) M AY - J U N E 2 0 2 0 | HCBA LAWYER 1