LexisNexis: 30% Discount on Products
LexisNexis offers HCBA members a 30% discount
on all books and online legal research packages.
For more information on this member discount,
please contact Mark Crockett at 813-390-7304
or [email protected].
Rubidex: 20% Discount on Products and Services
The Rubidex™ System is a three-part database alternative, that is
permissions-based, multi-user, client-server, near-instant synchronized,
self-healing and highly encrypted. This innovative system does away with
truncation and corruptions, as well as outside and inside theft. HCBA
members who purchase a Rubidex system will receive a 20% discount on
all products and services, along with one year of free technical support.
For more information, visit or contact Steve Teel at
[email protected] or call (813) 812-0296.
Shea Barclay Group/NGBS: Group Health Insurance Program
Are you paying too much for group health insurance? National General
Benefits Solutions, in partnership with locally-owned Shea Barclay Group,
offers HCBA members a customized health coverage option and a dedicated
team of experts, who are ready to help you find the best health coverage fit
for your business’ needs. You get customizable plan designs; level-funding;
the opportunity to receive money back; an experienced team; and
additional benefits for being a HCBA member. For more information, contact
Tracy Riggs, Shea Barclay Group at 813-251-2580 or [email protected].
M AY - J U N E 2 0 2 0
LEAP Legal Software: 10% Off First-Year Subscription
LEAP is the best system for lawyers and staff to work from home.
Our secure legal cloud software helps lawyers help people with
completely integrated case and document management solutions.
Bar members will receive the following discount:
10% off the first-year subscription of LEAP.
For more information, visit or contact Cathie Orgill,
General Manager of LEAP Florida, at [email protected].
Trial Consulting Services: 10% Discount on Trial Research
From exhibit boards to trial graphics and other professional
presentations, this expert team provides a wide range of services.
HCBA members receive a 10% discount on all trial research
including mock trials.
Visit for a list of services.
Thompson Brand Images: 10% Discount
HCBA members get 10% off at this world-class photography studio.
Thompson Brand Images will come to your office
for firm photos, head shots, holiday parties and other special events.
Contact Bob Thompson
at (813) 994-2000 or [email protected].