the thirteenth JudiCiAL CirCuit professionALism Committee
Professionalism & Ethics Committee
Chairs: Joan Boles – Bay Area Legal Services, Inc. and Lynn Hanshaw – Langford & Myers, P.A.
the professionalism Committee
is just one example of
the thirteenth Judicial
Circuit’s commitment
to professionalism.
“Professionalism is the pursuit
and practice of the highest ideals
and tenets of the legal profession.
It embraces far more than simply
complying with the minimal standards
of professional conduct.
The essential ingredients of
professionalism are character,
competence, civility, and commitment.” 1
he Thirteenth Judicial
Circuit is and always
has been a model of
professionalism. In
furtherance of its commitment
to professionalism, the Thirteenth
Judicial Circuit maintains the
comprehensive Thirteenth Judicial
Circuit Professionalism Committee
(“Professionalism Committee”).
The Professionalism Committee
initiates and coordinates professional
activities in Hillsborough County
and is also responsible for
overseeing and training a
subcommittee designated as the
Local Professionalism Panel. The
composition and structure of the
Professionalism Committee is set
forth in Thirteenth Judicial Circuit
Administrative Order S-2020-010.
The Chief Judge serves as the
Chair of the Committee. The
Chief Judge appoints an Executive
Chair and, in consultation with
the Executive Chair and the
President of the Hillsborough
County Bar Association (HCBA),
appoints various subcommittee
chairs, including the following:
Professionalism and CLE
Events Subcommittee Chair –
Responsible for ensuring the
Thirteenth Circuit provides
sufficient professionalism training
opportunities and recognition
events for lawyers and judges;
Professionalism Promotion
Subcommittee Chair – Responsible
for ensuring that activities of the
Professionalism Committee are
made known to the local bar and
attorneys practicing within the
Thirteenth Judicial Circuit through
local legal publications and other
marketing and media outlets;
Professionalism Awards
Subcommittee Chair – Responsible
for accepting nominations for the
Professionalism Award established
to annually recognize both a public
and private sector attorney for
consistently demonstrating honesty,
integrity, fairness, courtesy, and an
abiding sense of responsibility to
comply with the standards and
rules of professionalism in the
practice of law;
Medical-Legal Professionalism
Code Subcommittee Chair –
Responsible for coordinating
updates to the established
guidelines for responsible,
respectful and ethical interaction
between lawyer and physicians
and their patients in cases pending
before the court; and
Local Professionalism Panel
Subcommittee Co-Chairs –
Responsible for oversight and
management of the Local
Professionalism Panel.
Continued on page 49
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