thAnK you to our sponsors
titLe sponsor
n Abrahamson n
n Ayers
and uiterwyk
overfield & Crowe
n Barnes trial group
n Bild Law
n Burr & forman LLp
n Cole, scott & Kissane, p.A.
n Curry Law group, p.A.
n fordharrison
n grayrobinson
n greenberg traurig
n gunster
hill Ward henderson
holland & Knight LLp
n morgan & morgan
n sessums Black Caballero ficarrotta
n sessums Law group, p.A.
n shutts & Bowen LLp
n stetson university College of Law
n tCs
n thompson Brand images
n Zymphony technology solutions
n Anthony n
& partners, LLC
Banker Lopez gassler p.A.
n Bush ross, pA
n Butler Weihmuller Katz Craig LLp
n Crossroads for florida Kids
n get
n gunn Law group, p.A.
n Jdh investigations
n Johnson Jackson LLC
n Law office of Kevin J. napper, p.A.
n LeAp Legal software
n Lexisnexis
n Lns solutions
ogden & sullivan, p.A.
older Lundy & Alvarez
n orange Legal/veritext
n printers plus LLC
n Quarles & Brady LLp
n rubidex
n rumberger | Kirk
n thomas & LoCicero
n the thorpe Law firm p.A.
n trombley & hanes
n Western michigan university –
Cooley Law school
n Wilkes & mchugh
n Abrahamson n
n Anthony
& uiterwyk
& partners, LLC
n Ayers overfield & Crowe
n Barnes trial group
n Butler Weihmuller Katz Craig LLp
n CycleBar
n dennis hernandez & Associates p.A.
n franchi Law
n gasparilla distance
Classic organization
n gunster
n hill Ward henderson
n holland & Knight LLp
n Jdh investigations
n newsome eye & Laser Center
older Lundy & Alvarez
oliveros Law
n orange Legal/veritext
n Quarles & Brady LLp
n regency reporting service, inc.
n robert sparks Attorneys
n rubidex
n sessums Law group, p.A.
n the Bank of tampa
n the presentation group
n thomas & LoCicero
n union three
n Wetherington hamilton p.A.
n Wilkes & mchugh
for more event photos and the event overview video, go to
photography, video and drone footage is courtesy of thompson Brand images. thompson Brand images is a benefit provider for the hCBA. event signage is courtesy of tCs, which is also a benefit provider for the hCBA.
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