HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 30, No. 4 | Page 30

tHeinterPLayofemotionaLinteLLigenCeanDDiversity Diversity & Inclusion Committee Chairs:­Marsha­Moses­-­Law­Offices­of­Kubicki­Draper­and­Abraham­Shakfeh­-­Butler­Weihmuller­Katz­Craig,­LLP E motional intelligence, also known as emotional quotient (EI/EQ), varies by person and organization, impacts all people, and can be learned. EI encompasses interdependent competencies of self-awareness and responsiveness to others, expanding into empathic perception of others’ feelings, appropriate response to the feelings 28 of others with empathy, and managing or assisting others in managing emotional responses. In other words, EI allows people in the workplace to respond more inclusively and empathetically to their fellow employees. For this reason, the concept of emotional intelligence is often coupled with diversity Diversitytraining combinedwithemotional intelligencehelps alleviateunproductive tensionandincreasesthe abilitytoworktogether toachievegoals. MAR - APR 2020 initiatives (EID) in order to build intercultural literacy and sensitivity. The term EI entered the mainstream in 1995, when journalist Daniel Goleman expanded upon an academic journal article by psychologists John Mayer and Peter Salovey, and authored the now-classic Continuedon page29 | HCBA LAWYER