HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 30, No. 4 | Page 12

E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J o h n F. K y n e s - H i l l s b o r o u g h C o u n t y B a r A s s o c i a t i o n amyfarriornamed2019HCBaoutstanding Lawyer;yLDrecognizesoutstandingJurist andyoungLawyersatDiversityLuncheon C farriorhasbeenaconstantvolunteerpresence,alwaysofferingan encouragingwordtoHCBastaffmembers,andprovidingwisdom andguidanceonthesometimesthornyissuesthatdevelop. ongratulations are in order for Amy Farrior, who was named the 2019 HCBA Outstanding Lawyer at the HCBA’s Diversity Membership Luncheon in January. The criteria for this prestigious award says it should go to someone who, over the years, has exhibited superior legal ability in his or her field of practice, has demonstrated a high degree of professionalism and ethics, is widely recognized as a “mentor” to other lawyers, and someone who has been actively involved in HCBA activities. No doubt Farrior, who is a litigator with the Buell & Elligett law firm, was an excellent choice. “Amy has truly distinguished herself as an outstanding attorney, and she has been a wonderful Bar leader and a role model to many in our local Bar Continuedonpage11 10 Congratulations to Amy Farrior (center) on being named the HCBA’s Outstanding Lawyer. She is pictured with HCBA President Grace Yang (left) and her law partner Tom Elligett (right). MAR - APR 2020 | HCBA LAWYER