HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 30, No. 3 | Page 57

LAW WEEK CELEBRATING THE 100 TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE 19 TH AMENDMENT Law Week Committee Chairs: Dane Heptner - USALaw.com and Natasha Khoyi - FordHarrison LLP Law Week will take place this year from March 9 through March 13. O n August 26, 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution became law and granted women the right to vote. In celebration of this victory, perhaps Carrie Chapman Catt most poignantly articulated the significance of what it meant to have the right to vote: “The vote is a power, a weapon of offense and defense, a prayer. Understand what it means and what it can do for your country. Use it intelligently, conscientiously, prayerfully . . . . Progress is calling to you to make no pause. Act!” The Nineteenth Amendment secured the right to vote for women, but the principles of equality and the significance of voter participation that were expressed during the fight for women’s suffrage are just as significant today. In honor of 100 years of women’s suffrage, and in an effort to educate others of its significance, the American Bar Association’s 2020 Law Week Theme is “Your Vote, Your Voice, Our Democracy: The 19th Amendment at 100.” Women have come a long way since obtaining the right to vote, and have actively participated in and contributed to the field of law. Currently, women make up about a quarter of the House of Representatives and Senate, and three women serve on the Supreme Court. While these numbers do not exactly demonstrate equal representation, women have certainly come a long way in 100 years. This year, the Hillsborough County Bar Association joins the American Bar Association in encouraging its members to take part in Law Week, so that we might educate the local community and students about this very important Amendment, its contributions to notions of equality, and the significance of the right to vote. Law Week will take place this year from March 9 through March 13. Law Week is an opportunity for attorneys of all ages and experience levels to give back to the community and interact with local schools, students, and teachers. The HCBA YLD’s Law Week Committee, headed by co-chairs Dane Heptner and Natasha Khoyi, have organized three activities for volunteer attorneys to participate in: classroom discussions, courthouse tours, and mock trials. Attorneys that provide courthouse tours lead groups of students through courtrooms and other areas of the courthouse to give them a sneak peek of the rule of law in action. Meanwhile, classroom speakers travel to a local school to lead a class or group of students in a discussion on the law and answer student questions. Finally, attorneys who participate in mock trials will team up and present the entertaining and renowned case of everyone’s favorite lumberjack, Paul Bunyan. These events offer attorneys the opportunity to step away from the monotonous blue light of their computer screens, and instead, help educate students, while reminding participants of the rights and freedoms we are afforded in this country (as well as the fight for them). If you are interested in learning more about Law Week 2020 or volunteering, please contact Young Lawyers Division Law Week Committee Co-Chairs Dane Heptner ([email protected]) or Natasha Khoyi (NKhoyi@ FordHarrison.com). n Author: Natasha Khoyi – FordHarrison LLP Mark your Calendars for law Week 2020! JAN - FEB 2020 | HCBA LAWYER 55