HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 30, No. 3 | Page 17

E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J o h n F. K y n e s - H i l l s b o r o u g h C o u n t y B a r A s s o c i a t i o n Continued from page 14 And a further breakdown in the numbers shows there are more than 7,000 attorneys in Hillsborough County. The ABA report says Florida showed the largest increase in the number of lawyers since 2009 at 28 percent, with Texas next at 22 percent, and then New York at 19 percent. Regarding diversity, the report says the percentage of lawyers who are racial or ethnic minorities grew slowly over the past decade. Collectively, the number of minority lawyers nationally grew three percent in the past 10 years, from 12 percent of all lawyers in 2009 to 15 percent in 2019. The percentage of female attorneys increased slowly over the past decade as well, from 31 percent in 2009 to 36 percent today. The ABA study also says that although nearly 50 percent of all law school graduates have been female since 2000, the number of females in senior leadership roles of law firms has been largely stagnant for a least a decade. Overall, the number of female equity partners at law firms is 19 percent, which is only up four percent from 15 percent in 2012. “It’s really distressing that the percentage of women equity partners has barely budged over the [past] decade,” said Roberta Liebenberg, former chair of the ABA’s Commission on Women in the Profession during the panel discussion. “It is very clear that the culture and structure of law firms, as well as implicit biases, impact the ability of women to attain equity partner in commensurate percentages as their male counterparts,” Liebenberg said. One alarming trend, Liebenberg said, is the “dramatic stampede” of women leaving the practice of law as they move into their 50s, a time when they should be at the height of their career. Liebenberg attributed this attrition of senior female lawyers to various factors, including: the lack of access to business development opportunities, caretaking commitments, the level of stress at work, and the number of billable hours. She also noted the dissimilar levels of satisfaction women receive for the recognition they receive for their work, and the methods by which compensation is determined. Some other facts from the ABA report: • 52 percent of American lawyers surveyed in 2018 provided pro bono services the previous year, with the average lawyer working 37 hours. • 28 percent of the lawyers surveyed in 2016 say they struggle with depression, and 21 percent of lawyers qualify as a problem drinker, more than triple the rate for the general population at six percent. • In 2018, 23 percent of lawyers say their law firm has experienced a computer breach, but only 34 percent law firms have cyber liability insurance. • After several years of decline, law school applications in 2018 were up 7.6 percent from the previous year. • The average law school graduate had $145,500 in student loan debt in 2016. If you are interested seeing the full report, you can access it on the ABA’s website at www.americanbar. org/profile. See you around the Chet. n Congratulations THBA Award Winners the hCba would like to recognize two of its members for winning awards at the tampa hispanic bar association scholarship Gala on november 2. Congratulations to both Vivian Cortes hodz on receiving the luis a. “tony” Cabassa award and Judge Miriam Valkenburg on receiving the “spirit of tampa” award for leadership and mentoring of young hispanics in the tampa bay area. Vivian Cortes Hodz JAN - FEB 2020 | HCBA LAWYER Judge Miriam Valkenburg 15