Thanks to All our FOX 13
Ask-a-Lawyer Volunteers!
The attorneys from the Lawyer Referral & Information
Service were on the job once again in June and July,
answering phones as part of Fox 13’s Ask-A-Lawyer
program. We appreciate all those who volunteered to take
calls and help out local residents.
n Richard Alexander n Kirby Lavalee
n Dale Appell n Erik De L’Toile
n Chris Arnold n Keith Ligori
n Debbie Baker n Jamila Little
n David Befeler n Gian-Franco Melendez
n John Brewer n Stan Musial
n Michael Broadus n Rinky Parwani
n Ricardo Duarte n Larry Samaha
n James Fakhoury n William Schwarz
n James Giardina n Matthew Smith
n Lynn Hanshaw n Joe Southron
n Betsey Herd n Marie Schoeb
n Tom Hyde n Shamika Askew-Storay
n Klodiana Hysenlika n Betty Thomas
n Nemiah Jefferson n Roland Waller
n Suzanna Johnson n Robert Walton
n Lisa Knox n Valentina Wheeler
SEPT - OCT 2019