weLCome baCk!
Marital & Family Law Section
Chair: Katherine Scott - Harris, Hunt & Derr, PA
we are truly lucky
to have one of the
most supportive and
collegial family law
bars in the state.
would like to welcome all of
my colleagues to a new year
with the HCBA. I am very
excited to lead the Marital
and Family Law Section this year.
Before I discuss our Section’s
goals for the year, I would like to
introduce myself. I am a partner
at Harris, Hunt & Derr, P.A. and
I am board certified in marital
and family law. I began practicing
family law in the Tampa Bay
area over nine years ago, and I
quickly found family law to be a
challenging but fulfilling area of
practice. Upon beginning my
family law career in Tampa, I also
learned that the HCBA’s Marital &
Family Law Section is one of the
most important resources to both
new and established family law
attorneys in Hillsborough County.
We are truly lucky to have one of
the most supportive and collegial
family law bars in the state, and
the HCBA Marital and Family
Law Section plays a large role in
sustaining the “family” feel of our
local family law community.
Now turning to the Marital and
Family Law Section’s plan for the
year, we are preparing for another
fun year filled with engaging
presentations, great social and
networking opportunities, and
pro bono efforts.
There will be interesting and
informative presentations at our
four one-hour luncheons, as well as
a two-hour CLE and a four-hour
CLE on substantive family law
topics. We are already hard at
work developing timely and
engaging presentations for this
year. Also stay tuned for more
informative articles here in the
HCBA Lawyer magazine.
We will have an active social
calendar this year, with happy
hours and our annual Christmas
party. We will also host our
popular annual judicial
appreciation luncheon in the
spring where we recognize the
important contributions of our
family judges, judicial assistants,
and bailiffs. In addition, we will
host our annual luncheon between
the judicial assistants and family
lawyers’ paralegals and legal
assistants, where they can get to
know each other and ask each
other questions to help develop
better working relationships.
Through these events, we continue
to keep the relationship between
our bench and our Bar strong.
This year, the Section will
also host our Fifth Annual Pro
Bono Family Law Clinic at the
Hillsborough County George E.
Edgecomb Courthouse, where we
invite pro se family law litigants to
meet with attorneys for one-on-one
advice about their cases and family
law in general. In years past, this
Pro Bono Family Law Clinic has
provided countless hours of free
legal advice to parties who may not
otherwise have the ability to retain
an attorney.
Our most important goal this
year is getting you engaged and
involved in our Section’s events.
After all, it is your membership and
involvement that makes our Section
so extraordinary. All of our exciting
events this year would not be
complete without your participation.
We invite you to join us! n
Author: Katherine C. Scott - Harris,
Hunt & Derr, P.A.
Interested in writing an article for the Lawyer magazine?
Contact Stacy Williams at
[email protected] for more information.
SEPT - OCT 2019