HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 30, No. 1 | Página 3

THE HIllSBOROUGH COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION LAWYER SEPT - OCT 2019 | VOl. 30, NO. 1 divisions 10 features & events 3 8 2019-20HCBABoArdofdireCtors YLdreCeivesAwArdforitsHeALtH &weLLnessBingoCHALLenge 15 MiCHAeLBedkereCeives2019fLoridA 18 BArfoundAtionMedALofHonor 4 CeLeBrAting30YeArs ­ ditor’s­Message­ E by­Dineen­Pashoukos­Wasylik 6 weLCoMetotHe newBArYeAr! HCBA­President’s­Message­ by­Grace­H.­Yang 8 AnewYeArtoget invoLvedintHeYLd YLD­President’s­Message­ by­Jeff­Wilcox 10 grACeYAngBeCoMesfirst AsiAnAMeriCAntoLeAdtHe HCBAinits123-YeArHistorY Executive­Director’s­Message­ by­John­F.­Kynes 12 estABLisHingABLueprint forproseCutoriALsuCCess intHe21 st CenturY From­the­State­Attorney Andrew­H.­Warren 14 foLLowingsupreMeCourt ruLesworksforeverYone From­the­Clerk­of­Court­& Comptroller­Pat­Frank 16 LAunCHoftHepLAntCitY LegALinforMAtionprogrAM From­the­Thirteenth­Judicial­Circuit Chief­Judge­Ronald­Ficarrotta 18 eLusConferenCe 19 introduCingtHe2019-20HCBA CoMMittee&seCtionCHAirs 30 voLuntArYBArLeAdersHipConferenCe 34 instALLAtionof2019-20 offiCers&direCtors 36 CornHoLeforACAuse 38 HCBA&YLdBoArdspLAn 30 fortHeYeArAHeAd 45 YLdMeMBersreCognized AtfLoridABArConferenCe 47 ABotAseMinAr 50 tHAnkstoALLourfoX13 Ask-A-LAwYervoLunteers! 53 CoMMunitYserviCesCoMMittee 34 HostsAnotHersuCCessfuL pirAte’spLunderpArtY 53 stAteCourttriALseMinAr 55 triAL&LitigAtionseCtion AnnuALAwArds 61 MentALHeALtHtownHALLMeeting 68 LAwYer MAgAzine30-YeArAnniversArY: fAvoriteCoversfroM1990-1995 36 about the Cover This Bar year, President Grace Yang has asked that we highlight the beauty and vibrancy of our community and its architecture through our magazine covers. We have partnered with the City of Tampa Public Art program, which is providing several of the photos we will be using this year, including the one on this issue’s cover of the historical neo-classical Exchange National Bank building on Franklin Street in downtown Tampa, built in 1919. The building today has been renovated and re-purposed into an event space called The Vault. HCBA will be holding its Welcome Back Membership Reception at The Vault on September 11. The photo is by Beth Reynolds, 2003 City of Tampa Photographer Laureate. Photo courtesy of City of Tampa. Learn more about the City of Tampa Public Art Program at: www.tampagov.net/art-programs/Info/public-art. SEPT - OCT 2019 | HCBA LAWYER 1