Collaborative Law Section CLE
Thank you to the luncheon’s sponsor:
on november 28, the Collaborative law section hosted a Cle on the informative topic
“The Mediator as a Multipurpose Tool for the Collaborative process.” Tami sbar, esq., a
certified family law mediator‚ presented an overview on the subject.
Rosemary Armstrong
Recognized by ABA
Criminal Justice Section
HCBa Member rosemary armstrong, executive director
of Crossroads for Florida kids, was honored in november
with the american Bar association Criminal Justice
section’s livingston Hall award. The award recognizes an
active member of the bar who devotes a significant portion
of his or her legal practice to youth and children, and is
making positive contributions to the field both inside and
outside the courtroom. The Hillsborough association of
women lawyers (Hawl) and katherine Yanes of kynes,
Markman & Felman, who is a past president of Hawl,
nominated armstrong for the award.
Crossroads for Florida kids, inc. is a nonprofit
Rosemary Armstrong (center) during the award presentation ceremony
with Lucian Dervon, current chair of the ABA Criminal Justice Section, and
Katherine Yanes, who introduced Armstrong and presented her with the award.
organization that trains and mentors pro bono attorneys to
represent children and young adults in their dependency, delinquency, and criminal proceedings in Hillsborough County. Created in 2012, the number
of Crossroads pro bono attorneys is currently 130. in 2016 and again in 2017, Crossroads attorneys collectively contributed 5,500 pro bono hours
representing poor kids.
armstrong also served on the board of Bay area legal services in Tampa for over 20 years and served as its president three times, during which
she created and implemented projects to improve and expand legal services in the community. as a Bay area legal services volunteer attorney, she
assisted women victims of domestic violence obtain dissolutions of marriage, child support, and custody. she also recruited pro bono attorneys and
mentors for a Family law Mentor project, which became a model for other pro bono programs in Florida. Congratulations to rosemary armstrong on
this well-deserved award!
MAR - APR 2019