HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 29, No. 3 | Page 69

upDaTE on JuDgEs oF CompEnsaTIon CLaIms anD CasELaw Workers’ Compensation Section Chair: Anthony Cortese – Attorney at Law O ur CLE luncheon with the Tampa Judges of Compensation Claims will start at Noon on February 25, with the Honorable Mark Massey moderating the topics and introducing the new replacements for our two local retiring Judges of Compensation Claims. We hope you can join us at this important luncheon. Regarding recent caselaw, temporary partial indemnity benefits were at issue in two state workers compensation and federal longshore appellate decisions. In Sarasota County School Board v. Brockman, 248 So. 3d 270 (Fla 1st DCA 2018), the First District Court of Appeals reversed an award of temporary partial disability benefits to a claimant, where the order below did not make specific factual findings on the nexus between the injury and lost wages. The claimant was a school custodian with almost 30 years of employment, and a few compensable injuries, who was six months from the date of full retirement when she had another work injury. She returned to restricted duty at full pay with her employer and retired when her pension vested. When she filed a claim for temporary partial disability, her employer/carrier denied the benefits on the basis that her retirement was an intervening cause that broke the chain of JAN - FEB 2019 | HCBA LAWYER causation covered only by between her state workers injury and her compensation. loss of wages. The Benefits Review In a more Board affirmed detailed order on the finding of the remand, Brockman Administrative Law Judge that the v. Sarasota County, terminal and the OJCC Case employment as a No. 16-013511 whole was shipping. (August 24, 2018), Join us at our CLE Therefore, it was it was found that covered under the the claimant’s luncheon with the Longshore Act, assertions were Tampa Judges of even though certain credible, that activities, like she faced a Compensation Claims manufacturing, might choice between on February 25. not be covered if retirement or they occurred away termination due from the waterfront. to work-injury The employer related absences, also denied temporary indemnity and that her head custodian benefits on the basis that, although did not comply with her work the injury precluded the claimant restrictions, which affected her job from returning to work for the performance. After the injury but employer, their vocational before retirement, her employer evaluator found suitable alternative had taken her to a hearing over employment with other entities, her absences and job performance which the claimant could perform under NLRB v. J. Weingarten, Inc. despite his injuries. The 420 U.S. 251 (1975), and she Administrative Law Judge did contended she would have worked agree that suitable alternative until age 62 if she hadn’t face employment had been located, termination. Temporary partial but because the claimant exercised benefits were awarded based on due diligence in applying for every this nexus. position located by the vocational In another recent case regarding evaluator and performed his own a longshore claim, an employer unsuccessful job search, he was denied jurisdiction as well as entitled to ongoing temporary entitlement to temporary indemnity total indemnity benefits. The benefits. Dwayne Victorian v. Benefits Review Board affirmed International-Matex Tank Terminal, this decision. BRB 17-0584 (July 24, 2018). The We look forward to an claimant worked at a waterfront interesting year with the Workers terminal engaged in receiving and Compensation Section and hope shipping certain materials, as to see everyone at the February 25 well as storage and manufacturing luncheon. using some of those materials. The claimant was injured during a manufacturing activity that the Author: Anthony V. Cortese - Attorney employer contended should be at Law 67