HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 29, No. 1 | Page 51

VeterAns outreACH Court offers relief froM outstAnding legAl fees And fines Military & Veterans Affairs committee Continued from page 48 from the Veterans Outreach Court. Veterans cases that include domestic violence, outstanding child support obligations, or pending felony warrants are not eligible for relief before the Veterans Outreach Court. There is no cost to the veteran; however, each veteran is required to pre-register. This allows the Veterans Administration to review the applicant’s military history and determine if the veteran status claimed is accurate, preventing the opportunity for stolen valor. The State Attorney’s Office is able to screen for criminal history and pending warrants. The Clerk of the Court reviews driving and court records associated with the veteran and determines the outstanding amount owed in fines and legal fees. The veteran is then contacted and informed of the date and time of the court hearing. There is not a blanket forgive - ness policy. Each case is reviewed individually, and the judge discusses the situation with the veteran. Circuit Court Judges Kim Hernandez Vance and Michael Williams have participated in the Veterans Outreach Court since its inception. The judges have the authority to reduce or dismiss the financial obligation of the veteran based on a variety of factors. This relief assists the veteran in obtaining a driver’s license, employment and housing. As Veterans Day approaches, Chief Judge Ronald Ficarrotta will sign an administrative order author izing the Veterans Outreach Court to be held on November 9, 2018, at the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital Primary Care Annex located at 13515 Lake Terrace Lane in Tampa. Over 100 veterans are anticipated to take advantage of this opportunity. The veteran or their representative can register at the Hillsborough County Clerk of Court website: www.hillsclerk.com. HCBA attorneys, in their pro bono capacity, have attended the court and provided legal advice to the veterans ranging from criminal to family law. If you are interested in providing legal advice to the veterans in attendance, please contact Denise Brown, Judicial Assistant to Judge Daryl Manning, at (813)307-4751 or denise.brown @fljud13.org. Author: Judge Daryl Manning – Thirteenth Circuit Court HCBA members are invited to participate in the next Veterans Outreach Court event on november 9. SEPT - OCT 2018 | HCBA LAWYER 49