HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 29, No. 1 | Page 14

F R O M T H E S T A T E A T T O R N E Y An d re w H. Wa r re n - St at e At t o r n ey fo r t h e T h i r t e e n t h Ju d i c i a l Ci rc u i t A p uBliC H eAltH A pproACH to M entAllY i ll o ffenders I the critical stage of dealing with mentally ill community members occurs before they end up in the courtroom. magine being a patient with a history of cardiovascular disease. You suddenly experience chest pains and are rushed to the nearest hospital, admitted, and taken into the emergency room … where you are greeted by a prosecutor, a defense attorney, and a judge. It is preposterous to consider this happening, but it approximates an everyday occurrence across the country — only the patients are defendants suffering not from heart disease, but rather from mental illness. Mental illness is a disease — a diagnosable and treatable disease. Yet for far too long, we have been treating mental health as a criminal justice issue. Despite the best efforts of prosecutors, judges, and law enforcement, our current mental health system — which functions largely within the criminal justice system — is antiquated, ineffective, and does not reflect modern medicine. © Can Stock Photo / andreykuzmin The prevalence of mentally ill 1 defendants in the criminal justice system is staggering. An estimated 56 percent of state prison inmates and 64 percent of jail inmates are mentally ill. Approximately 20 percent of jail inmates and 25 percent of prison inmates suffer from serious mental illness. 2 Incarcerated individuals are three to six times more likely to have serious mental health disorders than the general population. 3 Not only do prisons and jails house many mentally ill inmates, they house most of the mentally ill. In Florida, a person with serious mental illness is nearly five times more likely to be incarcerated than hospitalized. 4 Using the criminal justice system to treat mental illness yields worse outcomes at a significant cost. Continued on page 13 IS YOUR MEMBER PROFILE UP-TO-DATE? Log-in today at Hillsbar.com and make sure your contact information is correct with the HCBA! 12 SEPT - OCT 2018 | HCBA LAWYER