HoW do i get inVolVed? Join tHe HCBA diVersitY CoMMittee!
Diversity committee
Chairs: Marsha M. Moses – Law Offices of Kubicki Draper and Abraham Shakfeh – Shakfeh Law, LLC
f you are looking to become
involved in the HCBA, but
you don’t have a ton of extra
time to commit, the HCBA
Diversity Committee is the spot for
you! Marsha Moses and Abraham
Shakfeh are the incoming chairs
for the 2018-2019 year and they
need your help. The Diversity
Committee helps organize key
signature events for the HCBA,
including the Diversity and
Inclusion Membership Luncheon,
the Annual Diversity Networking
Social, and a Diversity Lunch and
Learn (CLE). Maybe event planning
is not your strong suit, but you
enjoy writing. Well, the Diversity
Committee needs volunteers
to pen articles for the Committee
in the magazine. No matter your
strengths or the amount of time
you have to give, the Diversity
Committee welcomes you.
So how can you help? The
Diversity Committee typically
meets once per month for lunch
at the HCBA building, where we
plan the events and seek input
from committee members. The first
signature event is the Diversity and
Inclusion Membership Luncheon
that will take place on January 9,
2019. The Diversity Committee
has been honored to host Urszula
Szczepinska from the Florida
Holocaust Museum; Susana Mapu,
FBI Special Agent from the Tampa
Field Office; The Honorable
SEPT - OCT 2018
the diversity Committee helps organize key signature
events for the HCBA, including the diversity and
inclusion Membership luncheon, the Annual diversity
networking social, and a diversity lunch and learn (Cle).
Bernice Donald from the U.S. Court
of Appeals, Sixth Circuit; and
retired General Ann E. Dunwoody
in the past. The Committee is
already working hard to ensure this
event will measure up to our past
guests. You don’t want to miss it!
Another signature event of
the Diversity Committee is the
Annual Diversity Networking Social
on February 9, 2019. This event is
your opportunity to showcase your
firm and the Tampa Bay area to
talented law students from across
the state. The Committee was
honored to host Justice C. Alan
Lawson at last year’s event.
Whether you would like to help
organize or simply sponsor this
unique event, mark your calendars
and plan to join us.
The Diversity Committee also
organizes an Annual Diversity
Lunch and Learn (CLE) that will
be held in April 2019. We were
privileged to host Devona Pierre,
Ed.D. and Camille Blake, J.D. from
the University of South Florida’s
Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and
Equal Opportunity this past April.
Their discussion about diversity
and inclusion, how far we have
come, and how far we have to go,
was inspirational. And you get CLE
credits? Yes! Let’s make this coming
Bar year the best yet to come.
Any and all HCBA members
who are interested in participating
in the Diversity Committee and
helping plan our events may contact
the committee chairs, Marsha
Moses and Abraham Shakfeh, or
Angie Harris, Programs Director,
at the HCBA.
Lastly, we would like to offer
a special thanks to Timothy C.
Martin and Victoria Oguntoye
for their time, dedication, and
leadership as outgoing chairs.
We hope to carry on in the spirit
of their example.
Authors: Marsha M. Moses –
Law Offices of Kubicki Draper
and Abraham Shakfeh – Shakfeh
Law, LLC