HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 29, No. 1 | Página 3

tHe HIllsBoRoUGH coUNtY BAR AssocIAtIoN LAWYER sept-oct 2018 | Vol. 29, No. 1 divisions features & events 3 16 2018-19 HCBA BoArd of direCtors Meet tHe Judges: Judge MiCHelle sisCo by Lyndsey E. Siara 10 5 10 25 introduCing tHe 2018-2019 HCBA seCtion & CoMMittee CHAirs 27 30 34 stAte Court triAl seMinAr YLD President’s Message Jason Whittemore 36 HCBA & Yld BoArds plAn for tHe YeAr AHeAd neWlY instAlled HCBA president JoHn sCHifino Continues fAMilY legACY of BAr leAdersHip 39 CongrAtulAtions to tHe 2017-18 BAr leAdersHip institute ClAss 47 MAritAl & fAMilY lAW seCtion lunCHeon MVAC suMMer HAppY Hour A puBliC HeAltH ApproACH to MentAllY ill offenders 50 54 59 Honoring JAMes toKleY, sr. 63 pinellAs Vs. HillsBorougH Co. VtC softBAll gAMe tHe floridA BAr reCognizes JoHn f. KYnes AnotHer greAt YeAr AHeAd for tHe HCBA Yld Executive Director’s Message by John F. Kynes 12 From the State Attorney by Andrew H. Warren 14 by David Befeler tHAnKs to All our foX 13 AsK-A-lAWYer Volunteers! HCBA President’s Message by John A. Schifino 8 inCreAse Your referrAls And Help Your CoMMunitY tHrougH tHe lris 23 destigMAtizing depression, pArt ii Editor’s Message by Ed Comey 6 20 From the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Chief Judge Ronald Ficarrotta ABotA seMinAr HCBA instAllAtion of 2018-2019 offiCers & direCtors 20 27 36 CornHole for A CAuse Yld BoArd MeMBers Helping WitH BACK to sCHool 54 about the Cover This Bar year, at President John Schifino’s suggestion, we are honoring important milestones and industries in Florida’s history, highlighting the role they have played in creating the great state we live in today. For this first issue, we feature a famous triptych mural that hangs in Tampa International Airport, History’s First Scheduled Airline Passenger Arrives in Tampa - Tony Jannus’ First Flight. This mural, which is oil paint on canvas and measures 9 feet high by 27 feet wide, commemorates the first flight of the St. Petersburg-Tampa Airboat Line on New Year’s Day in 1914, piloted by Tony Jannus. This was the first airline to operate a scheduled service: a 23-minute flight across Tampa Bay. This event put the cities of Tampa and St. Petersburg in the history books as the first two cities in the world to have regularly scheduled airline service. The mural is one of seven Works Progress Administration (WPA) murals painted by St. Petersburg artist George Snow Hill in 1939. These seven murals hang today in Airside E at Tampa International Airport. Thank you to the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority and the Tampa International Airport for allowing us to feature this fascinating mural in the Lawyer magazine. SEPT - OCT 2018 | HCBA LAWYER 1