D I R E C T O R ’ S
J o h n F. K y n e s - H i l l s b o r o u g h C o u n t y B a r A s s o c i a t i o n
n eWlY i nstAlled HCBA p resident
J oHn s CHifino C ontinues f AMilY l egACY
of B Ar l eAdersHip
“When faced with the choice of acting in his own self-interest
or in the interest of others, John will always choose others.”
— Bill schifino, at the HCBA Board installation
ill Schifino began his
remarks by posing a
simple, albeit somewhat
rhetorical, question to
the assembled group.
“What qualities do we want in a
Bar president?”
Schifino shared his own list of
desirable traits: “Integrity; experience;
honesty; passion for the legal
profession; servant leadership.”
And as a former president of the
HCBA and also The Florida Bar,
Schifino has special insight on what
qualities are needed to be an effective
Bar leader.
He then said emphatically, “John
Chief Judge Ron Ficarrotta and HCBA’s new president, John Schifino,
checks all the boxes,” referring to his
at the swearing-in ceremony in June.
younger brother and law partner.
Bill’s remarks came as he
John has been an HCBA board member since 2011.
introduced John as the new HCBA president at the
Additionally, John currently serves on the board of
Installation of 2018-19 HCBA Officers & Directors at the
the Hillsborough Association of Women Lawyers, and
Chester H. Ferguson Law Center in June.
he is a vice chair of The Florida Bar’s Diversity &
Bill talked about John’s extensive experience as a trial
Inclusion Committee.
attorney and his long history of service to the Bar and
Bill also talked about John’s commitment to his family
the Tampa community.
and his leadership in the community.
The brothers have worked together for many years,
“When faced with the choice of acting in his own
along with their father, William Schifino Sr., and are
or in the interest of others, John will always
partners at the Gunster law firm, where John is a
choose others,” Bill said about his brother.
commercial litigator.
He told the attendees about John’s dedicated service
John graduated from St. Lawrence University in New
as board president of the PACE Center for Girls in
York in 1989, and then went to Lewis & Clark Law
Tampa, and as president of the Bayshore Little League.
School in Oregon, where he met his wife, Sara.
After being sworn in by Chief Judge Ron Ficarrotta,
Over the years, John has served on numerous
John talk about leading the HCBA this year.
HCBA committees — including the HCBA’s Diversity
Committee and Bench Bar Committee — and he has
Continued on page 11
served as chair of the HCBA’s Trial & Litigation Section.
SEPT - OCT 2018