HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 28, No. 6 | Page 16

S P E C I A L F E A T U R E - D I V E R S I T Y C O M M I T T E E Judge Claudia Rickert Isom and Dean Laura Rosenbury #metoo – How a Hashtag Can impact your Law Firm we need to move beyond a focus on diversity training or better mentoring in order to focus on structural changes that might check implicit bias. At a panel discussion held last fall in conjunction with origin, sex, gender (including identity and expression), The Florida Bar’s Path to Inclusion Symposium, University sexual orientation, age, or disability. We also require a of Florida Levin College of Law Dean Laura Rosenbury similar assurance before a student may be assigned to an related how a group of female and male law students met externship field placement for credit. with her to discuss concerns about sexual misconduct and Recent events reveal that such assurances may not gender discrimination during their summer jobs. Dean be enough, however. I would like us to be more explicit Rosenbury agreed to share that we expect employers and her views and guidance about externship supervisors not this concern: to subject our students to Isom: Dean Rosenbury, do unwanted sexual advances law firms and courts that host and other forms of sexual summer law clerks sign any harassment. We will be kind of agreement as to these implementing that change clerkships or externships? over the summer so that it Rosenbury: Employers is in place for the next using the services of our academic year. Center for Career Develop - Isom: Is there any kind ment must agree in writing of code of conduct or to provide our students and guidelines that apply to the graduates with equal oppor - appropriate standards of tunity to obtain employ ment conduct between an attorney without discrimination or and a law student who is segregation on the basis of University of Florida College of Law Dean Laura Rosenbury at the Florida Bar Path to Inclusion Symposium. race, color, religion, national Continued on page 15 14 SUMMER 2018 | HCBA LAWYER