in everY issue
seCtions |
50 |
Committees |
28 |
22 SoCiaL media oN appeaL
Appellate Practice Section by Jared M . Krukar
26 tHougHtS oN proFeSSioNaLiSm iN CoLLaBorative praCtiCe
Collaborative Law Section by Ellen E . Ware
30 every repoSe HaS itS tHorN
Construction Law Section by Erik Raines
42 top Five wayS teLeHeaLtH wiLL CHaNge uNder 2018 FederaL FuNdiNg BiLL
Health Care Law Section by Thomas ( T . J .) Ferrante & Jacqueline N . Acosta
44 FLSa eXemptioNS muSt Be iNterpreted FairLy — Not NarrowLy
Labor & Employment Law Section by Harold Holder
46 appoiNtmeNt oF a guardiaN ad Litem iN a CoNteSted pareNtiNg CaSe
Marital & Family Law Section by Brian Bowes
50 SpeCiaL NeedS truStS preServe iNCome For tHe diSaBLed
Real Property Probate & Trust Section by David Fall
54 How eXaCtLy SHouLd your CLieNt ’ S Broker Be regiStered ?
Securities Section by Clinton Johnson
60 SeNior CouNSeL year iN review
Senior Counsel Section by Thomas Newcomb Hyde
62 Jury iNStruCtioNS aNd verdiCt FormS
Trial & Litigation Section by Morgan W . Streetman
64 Jury triaLS : tHeater oF tHe voiCeS oF tHe StarS aNd StripeS
Trial and Litigation Section – Annual Student Jury Essay Contest Winning Essay by Mark Streufert
66 widowS , FirSt reSpoNderS , aNd tHe BurdeN oF prooF
Workers ’ Compensation Section by Anthony V . Cortese
24 reFLeCtioNS From tHe Bar LeaderSHip iNStitute CLaSS oF 2017-18
Bar Leadership Institute Committee by Joseline Jean-Louis Hardrick
28 tHaNkS to aLL wHo Supported tHe CommuNity ServiCeS Committee tHiS year
Community Services Committee by Lara LaVoie and Lisa Esposito
48 tHe New “ Forever gi BiLL ” – wHat it meaNS For veteraNS
Military & Veterans Affairs Committee by Scott G . Johnson
in everY issue
23 |
New HCBa memBerS |
30 |
Save tHe date |
57 |
100 CLuB |
65 |
BeNeFit providerS |
69 |
CLaSSiFied advertiSiNg |
69 |
Jury triaLS |
70 |
arouNd tHe aSSoCiatioN |
71 |
advertiSiNg iNdeX |
Chester H . Ferguson law Center 1610 N . Tampa St ., Tampa Fl 33602 Telephone ( 813 ) 221-7777 www . hillsbar . com
editor ed Comey assistant editor maria ramos executive director John F . kynes
advertiSiNg pr / Communications director Stacy williams stacy @ hillsbar . com ( 813 ) 221-7779 oFFiCerS president : gordon Hill president-elect : John Schifino ; immediate past president : kevin m . mcLaughlin Secretary : Scott Stigall ; treasurer : robert J . Scanlan eX-oFFiCio Chief Judge ronald Ficarrotta ; Judge Laura e . ward ; david Nicholson direCtorS : alex Caballero victoria N . Ferrentino paige a . greenlee rachael L . greenstein
matthew Hall anthony d . martino melissa mora Cory person
Jacqueline Simms-petredis grace yang
( ISSN 1553-4456 ) THE HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION Lawyer is published six times per year by the Hillsborough County Bar Association . Editorial , advertising , subscription , and circulation offices : 1610 N . Tampa St ., Tampa , FL 33602 . Changes of address must reach the Lawyer office six weeks in advance of the next issue date . Give both old and new address . POSTMASTER : Send change of address notices to Hillsborough County Bar Association , 1610 N . Tampa St ., Tampa , FL 33602 . One copy of each Lawyer is sent free to members of the Hillsborough County Bar Association . Additional subscriptions to members or firm libraries are $ 50 . Annual subscriptions to others , $ 100 . Single copy price , $ 15.00 . ( All plus tax .) The Lawyer is published as part of the HCBA ’ s commitment to provide membership with information relating to issues and concerns of the legal community . Opinions and positions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and may not necessarily reflect those of the HCBA . Submissions of feature articles , reviews , and opinion pieces on topics of general interest to the readership of the Lawyer are encouraged and will be considered for publication .
2 S U M M E R 2 0 1 8 | H C B A L A W Y E R