reFLeCtioNS From tHe Bar LeaderSHip iNStitute CLaSS oF 2017-18
Bar leadership Institute Committee Chairs : Nicole Duga - Hill Ward Henderson ; John Marchione – Himes & Hearn ; and Valeria Obi – Midland Credit Management , Inc .
My experience in the Bar Leadership Institute has been absolutely outstanding . I had very high expectations . And the BLI far exceeded them ! My fellow BLI participants share my enthusiasm for the program .
I ’ ve learned so much about the Tampa Bay community , its growth , its potential , and its heart . My biggest lesson is captured in the words of Dr . Maya Angelou : “ I ’ ve learned that I still have a lot to learn .” Although Tampa Bay is my home , it was not always so .
Ten years ago , I set down roots in this community and decided to launch my legal career here . When I first arrived , I was excited but nervous because I had no connections here . But through participation in voluntary bar associations like the BLI , I ’ ve developed close relation ships with so many kind , courageous , and smart individuals . I received guidance , leadership opportunities , and , most importantly , an ability to make a positive impact in the community . Through the BLI ’ s monthly modules , I ’ ve realized there is so much more to Tampa Bay than meets the eye .
Of all the benefits the BLI offers , the most valuable for me personally
has been the mentoring program . I was privileged to have current HCBA President John A . Schifino as my mentor . His commitment to diversity and creating access to opportunities for all lawyers is reflected in his words and deeds . His insight and guidance have been invaluable , and he shares my passion for , and commitment to , meaningful mentoring . I also had the benefit of being mentored by Board Director Cory J . Person because , frankly , mentors are like potato chips — you can ’ t just have one ! As someone who is committed to voluntary bar leadership , professionalism , and diversity , Cory has inspired me to sharpen my communication skills and think creatively about problem solving .
Over the span of more than a century , the HCBA has created a tradition of fostering profession - alism , community engagement , mentoring , and , more recently , diversity . Through the BLI , it has forged yet another path to realize its commitment to those goals .
If you are interested in applying for the BLI , do not hesitate .
BLI touring the Tampa International Airport
my biggest lesson is captured in the words of dr . maya angelou : “ i ’ ve learned that i still have a lot to learn .”
Whether you ’ re an experienced attorney or a “ baby lawyer ,” new in town or a Tampa Bay native , there are abundant opportunities to grow professionally and personally . And you will likely develop a newfound appreciation for this city we all love . The HCBA will continue its tradition as new leaders emerge and new lawyers join the Bar . By participating in the BLI , you can grab a front-row seat to all the action . I look forward to putting the lessons I ’ ve learned into practice , taking on new challenges , learning new lessons , and meeting the next crop of leaders to emerge from this program .
Congratulations to the BLI Class of 2017- 2018 . See you at the top !
Plan to Apply for the 2018-19 BLI Class ! More Details Will Be Emailed Soon .
Author : Joseline Jean- Louis Hardrick - Middle District of Florida
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