HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 28, No. 5 | Page 66

aDDressing unprofessionaLism: Bar grievance vs. the Lpp Professionalism & Ethics Committee Chairs: Joan Boles – Bay Area Legal Services & Lynn Hanshaw – Langford & Myers, P.A. U nprofessional conduct can be addressed in two ways — Bar grievances and the Local Professionalism Panel (LPP). The harsher path — Bar grievances — is paved with complaints made to The Florida Bar. As an arm of the Florida Supreme Court, the Bar administers the statewide disciplinary system, enforcing the Rules of Professional Conduct for its legions of lawyers. To do that, the Bar accepts complaints against attorneys, investigates those allegations, and then prosecutes attorneys who have allegedly violated the Rules. Complaints are made, under oath, to the Attorney/Consumer Assistance Program or are formally filed. The accused attorney is informed of the allegations and who made them. If the matter is not resolved informally, it is referred to a local Bar office and then to a local Grievance Committee. That committee of lawyers and public members determine whether there is probable cause to believe the lawyer violated the Rules. If it advances, local Bar counsel prosecutes the matter in a bench- trial-like proceeding before a circuit judge appointed by the Florida Supreme Court. That judge, acting as a “Bar referee,” produces a Final Report, which 64 The goal is to includes findings mentor and advise; of facts and to give attorneys conclusions of who may need law regarding some guidance whether any rules on professionalism of professional and courtesy the conduct were benefit of time violated, as well and attention from as a recommended the grievance process experienced and punishment. The well-respected Florida Supreme is not the only attorneys and Court either intervention tool judges. When adopts that used, the LPP recommendation, available to address can also reduce or imposes a less attorney behavior, the number of or more severe less serious, non- punishment. Public or better yet, sanctionable cases reprimands, fines