HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 28, No. 5 | Page 4

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in everY issue

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18 for now , countY court JurisDictionaL Limits remain unchangeD
Appellate Practice Section by Stacy Blank and Patrick Chidnese
22 coLLaBorative Divorce – an estate pLanning attorneY ’ s perspective
Collaborative Law Section by Linda D . Hartley
23 a cLoser Look at section 725.06 , fLoriDa statutes
Construction Law Section by William M . Woods
26 eXtenDing the BounDs of an assauLt
Criminal Law Section by Adam L . Bantner , II
42 neeD a LYft ? nemt riDesharing : uBer heLpfuL / uBer riskY
Health Care Law Section by Erica Mallon
45 changing tiDes on seXuaL orientation Discrimination wiDen spLit with 11th circuit
Labor & Employment Law Section by Raquel Ramirez Jefferson


48 proper use of a voLuntarY acknowLeDgement of paternitY
Marital & Family Law Section by Lexie Reord Larkin
50 meDiating e-DiscoverY Disputes : the neXt meDiation frontier
Mediation & Arbitration Section by Kathleen McLeroy
66 LawYer as fiDuciarY : informeD consent reQuireD
Real Property Probate & Trust Section by Robert S . Walton
67 protect thY eLDers : finra ruLe 2165
Securities Section by Josef Y . Rosen
68 the tampa BaY hoteL : the sYmBoL of tampa
Senior Counsel Section by Thomas Newcomb Hyde
70 DeveLopments in faLse cLaims act Litigation
Trial & Litigation Section by Kevin J . Napper



20 an open Letter to the Bar LeaDership institute cLass of 2017-2018
Bar Leadership Institute Committee by Sumayya Saleh
30 mentaL iLLness : from eXorcisms to mentaL heaLth courts
Diversity Committee by Antina Mobley
46 Law week 2018 : engaging stuDents anD setting the stage for the future
Law Week Committee by Melissa A . Foss
52 warrior games paY triBute to veteran sacrifices anD Best vaLues
Military & Veterans Affairs Committee by Luis E . Viera
56 the thirteenth JuDiciaL circuit 2018 pro Bono service awarD winners
Pro Bono Committee by Rachel May Zysk
64 aDDressing unprofessionaLism : Bar grievance vs . the Lpp
Professionalism & Ethics Committee by Lyndsey Siara

in everY issue

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100 cLuB
Benefit proviDers
new hcBa memBers
JurY triaLs
arounD the association
aDvertising inDeX


Chester H . Ferguson law Center 1610 N . Tampa St ., Tampa Fl 33602 Telephone ( 813 ) 221-7777 www . hillsbar . com editor ed comey assistant editor maria ramos executive Director John f . kynes
aDvertising pr / communications Director stacy williams stacy @ hillsbar . com ( 813 ) 221-7779 officers president : gordon hill president-elect : John schifino ; immediate past president : kevin m . mcLaughlin secretary : scott stigall ; treasurer : robert J . scanlan eX-officio chief Judge ronald ficarrotta ; Judge Laura e . ward ; David nicholson Directors : alex caballero victoria n . ferrentino paige a . greenlee rachael L . greenstein
matthew hall anthony D . martino melissa mora cory person
Jacqueline simms-petredis grace Yang
( ISSN 1553-4456 ) THE HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION Lawyer is published six times per year by the Hillsborough County Bar Association . Editorial , advertising , subscription , and circulation offices : 16101
N . Tampa St ., Tampa , FL 33602 . Changes of address must reach the Lawyer office six weeks in advance of the next issue date . Give both old and new address . POSTMASTER : Send change of address notices to Hillsborough County Bar Association , 16101
N . Tampa St ., Tampa , FL 33602 . One copy of each Lawyer is sent free to members of the Hillsborough County Bar Association . Additional subscriptions to members or firm libraries are $ 50 . Annual subscriptions to others , $ 100 . Single copy price , $ 15.00 . ( All plus tax .) The Lawyer is published as part of the HCBA ’ s commitment to provide membership with information relating to issues and concerns of the legal community . Opinions and positions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and may not necessarily reflect those of the HCBA . Submissions of feature articles , reviews , and opinion pieces on topics of general interest to the readership of the Lawyer are encouraged and will be considered for publication .
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