P R E S I D E N T ’ S
Melissa Mora - Adventist Health System
Continued from page 6
providing snacks following the workout. We hope to see
you there!
We encourage all HCBA YLD members to make
wellness a priority. In an article I recently read, the author
discussed why, after a long time, working out replaced his
business as his number one priority. Once he reorganized
his priorities that wa y, he found he was more successful
in every role of his life, whether as a husband, father,
friend, or entrepreneur. This holds true for many of us.
Whether you participate in an exercise class, make
better food choices, try a water challenge with some
friends, or set a goal to run that marathon, make today
the day that you make you and your health that priority.
Being committed and more intentional about including
exercise in my daily routine allows me to be a better
mother by having more energy to chase my two sons
around. It also makes me a better lawyer, because I am
better able to approach issues with a clearer mind. I also
have an outlet if I need to step away and come back to a
difficult problem.
Let’s all be part of the change and encourage each
other to maintain a healthy lifestyle to improve the mental
health issues faced by our profession.
upComing yLD events
hcBa YLD weLLness event – maY 16
cornhoLe for a cause
benefitting Big Brothers Big sisters – may 19
the state court triaL seminar – June 8
for more information on the YLD’s activities, check out the
hcBa website or the YLD’s facebook page at
Young Lawyers
Division Luncheon
the Young Lawyers Divisions received a timely update
on february 15 regarding the tax cuts and Jobs act by
Jim o’connor, cpa, of rivero, gordimer & company, p.a.
at the luncheon, o’connor discussed the impact the new
act will have on legal professionals and their clients.
the YLD also thanks
its luncheon sponsor:
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