the thirteenth JuDiciaL circuit 2018 pro Bono service awarD winners
Pro Bono Committee, Thirteenth Judicial Circuit
Continued from page 60
the “justice gap” that occurs
when citizens are unable to obtain
affordable legal services and
attempt to represent themselves
in court, or fail to understand
the consequences of legal actions;
and third, to give their students
practical experience that reinforces
the legal education they are
receiving. From 2012 to 2017,
Stetson Law students donated
127,625 legal pro bono hours to
the poor and 65,015 non-legal pro
bono to Tampa Bay communities.
Stetson Law students are
required to perform a total of 60
hours of pro bono service during
their law school career. Thirty of
those hours must be law-related
service, and the remaining 30
hours may be non-legal pro
bono community service. Stetson
Law’s Social Justice Advocacy
Concentration Program professors
administer the pro bono program,
pre-approve students’ pro bono
proposals, and oversee the services
that students provide. Hundreds
of Stetson Law students donate
their time to the Volunteer Income
Tax Assistance Program, spending
their weekends and nights traveling
throughout the Tampa Bay region
to help people complete their tax
returns. Others volunteer to be
guardians ad litem and volunteer
at clinics hosted by Bay Area Legal
Services and Gulfcoast Legal
Services. Students also provide
services through Stetson Law’s
on-campus Veteran’s Law clinic,
Wills for Warriors clinic, and the
Elder Law Center, which places
students in legal services offices
representing people over the age
of 60. Additionally, Stetson Law
students organize an annual event
for the children of Gulfport; give
M AY - J U N E 2 0 1 8
tours of the school to children
in foster care; actively participate
in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters
program; and volunteer to do
homework and have lunch with
struggling elementary-age
children. Stetson Law professors
provide pro bono legal services
to those in need, including
individuals facing the death
penalty; and sit on a variety of
boards for non-profit organizations,
including Gulfcoast Legal Services,
the St. Pete Free Clinic, the local
food bank, and the Florida
Holocaust Museum.
The Thirteenth Judicial Circuit
Pro Bono Committee commends
the extraordinary service of
the 2018 award recipients.
Lapel Pin Recipients
20-49 Pro Bono Hours in 2017
Eric Adams
Eric Almon
Natalie Annis
Dale Appell
Michael Ashy
Shamika Askew-Storay
Jordan August
Anderson Baldy
Amy Bandow
Laura Bare
Michael Barnett
Caroline Barnhill
Bernard Barton, Jr.
George Bedell
David Befeler
Stacy Blank
Alan Borden
Yova Borovksa
Michelle Brinner
Michael Broadus
Melinda Budzynski
Michael Califano
Tirso Carreja
Amanda Chafin
Hunter Chamberlain
Blair Chan
Yvette Chapman
Patrick Chidnese
Jeanne Coleman
Kamala Corbett
Chris Coutroulis
Christopher Cutler
Gerald Davis
James Davis
Blake Delaney
Erik De L’Toile
Theresa Donovan
Fentrice Driskell
Amy Drushal
Ricardo Duarte
Marc Edelman
Zarra Elias
William Keith Fendrick
Katelyn Ferry
Paul Figueroa
Elizabeth Fisher
Megan Flatt
Helen Fouse
Robert Freedman
Jeffrey Gad
Laura Gallo
Michelle Garcia Gilbert
James Giardina
Suzanne Glickman
Paul Godfrey
Paige Greenlee
Tami Lyn Grys
Cameron Hall
Kimberly Hamill
Brian Harris
Barbara Hart
Kelley Hayashi
Ashley Hayes
Jourdan Haynes
Katherine Heckert
Dane Heptner
Elizabeth Herd
S. Gordon Hill
Patrick Hogan
Adrienne Holland
Laura Howard
Tyler Hudson
Nehemiah Jefferson
Suzanne Johnson
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