5k inDiviDuaL awarDs
n overall male winner:
stephen Lennon
n overall female winner:
chloe Lipking
n fastest male Judge:
hon. christopher nash
n fastest female Judge:
hon. miriam valkenburg
5k team awarDs
first place: hcBa military &
veterans affairs committee
n second place: wilkes & mchugh
n third place: hcBa Bar Leadership
institute class
pro Bono pLeDge awarDs
proven producer: cissy sevelin
n individual pledge: adam Bild
n team pledge:
hcBa construction Law section
for more event photos, go to www.facebook.com/hcBatampaBay
photography is courtesy of thompson Brand images. thompson Brand images is a benefit provider for the hcBa. www.thompsonbrandimages.com.
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