an open Letter to the Bar LeaDership institute cLass of 2017-2018
Bar leadership Institute Committee
Chairs: Nicole Duga - Hill Ward Henderson; John Marchione – Himes & Hearn; and Valeria Obi – Midland Credit Management, Inc.
To the Bar Leadership Institute
Class of 2017-2018:
e ended our Bar
Leadership Institute
experience on a
high note. In March,
we learned about the history of
Amalie Arena, which exemplifies
how to embrace change with grace,
having endured numerous name
changes over time and quickly
adapted to each new persona.
In April, we heard from Michael
Stephens, General Counsel to
Tampa International Airport, who
is himself an ambassador of change
through his involvement with the
Leadership Alliance Advisory
Board, a cross-section of lawyers
in different
BLI Class following their tour of Amalie Arena in March.
and diversity.
stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult,
but not more difficult than remaining
inspired great
in a situation.” — maya angelou
Many of us
joined the
must decide how to bring our
BLI out of a yearning to become
aspirations to fruition.
agents of change. We embarked
Our goals are ambitious and,
on this journey as bright-eyed
frankly, daunting. But we must
“young lawyers” looking for a
not let our personal inhibitions get
way to plug into the HCBA, but
the better of us. In the words of
also in search of tools we could
Maya Angelou, “Stepping onto a
use to leave our marks on the
world. Now that we have reached
Continued on page 21
the end of our BLI journey, we
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