S P E C I A L F E A T U R E - M V A C C O M M I T T E E C o l l e e n M i l l e r - Q u a r l e s & B r a d y L L P
training for veterans consortium pro Bono program at the chester h . ferguson Law center
On February 9 , through the collaboration and sponsorship of Quarles & Brady LLP and the HCBA ’ s Military & Veterans Affairs Committee , nearly 80 attorneys from both the private and public sectors attended an all-day training conducted by The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program to learn how to represent veterans in their appeals for disability benefits before the U . S . Court of Appeals for Veteran Claims . The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program , a nonprofit organization headquar tered in Washington , D . C ., has trained and mentored more than 2,500 attorneys nation wide willing to assist veterans who , in most instances , would otherwise be represent ing themselves on a pro se basis .
The Veterans Consor - tium ’ s trainers — Courtney
Veterans Consortium trainers and representatives from Quarles & Brady LLP with Judge Allen
Smith , Rick Spataro , Bart Stichman , and Jill Davenport — presented on a variety of topics , including : the VA ’ s claims process , service-connected disability compensation , the appeals process , and common VA errors , among others . In addition , Judge Michael P . Allen , U . S . Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims and former dean of Stetson University College of Law , traveled from Washington , D . C ., to provide practitioners tips and insight into practicing before the court .
As a result of the Tampa training , the attendees are now members of The Veterans Consortium National Volunteer Corps and may request a pro bono case directly from The Veterans Consortium . The cases run the spectrum from a Korean War veteran who needs disability benefits due to
Continued on page 15 qSave the Dates u may 9 , 2018 Law Day Membership Luncheon at the Hilton Tampa Downtown
u may 17 , 2018 Law & Liberty Dinner at the Hilton Tampa Downtown
u June 1 , 2018 ABOTA / HCBA Seminar at Stetson University College of Law & Chester H . Ferguson Law Center u June 7 , 2018 Installation of the HCBA and YLD Officers & Board of Directors at the Chester Ferguson Law Center
u June 8 , 2018 YLD State Court Trial Seminar at George Edgecomb Courthouse
Learn more about HCBA events at www . hillsbar . com . StAy ConneCted
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