HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 28, No. 4 | Page 20
new iaCP ethiCal standards May Change the way we Collaborate
Collaborative law Section
Chairs: Tina Tenret - ProVise Management Group & Ellie Probasco - Probasco Law
n June 2017, the International
Academy of Collaborative
Professionals (IACP) released
updated Minimum Ethical
Standards for Collaborative
Professionals. 1 The Standards are
meant to keep up with the rapidly
expanding field of collaborative
practice and fill in the gaps of
traditional ethics rules for attorneys,
mental health professionals, and
financial professionals. The
Standards may change how we
collaborate here in Tampa Bay. 2
Work After Termination
When a collaborative case
terminated (without a full
agreement) under prior IACP
standards, it was clear that
This would
suggest that
attorneys could
attorneys and
not participate
neutrals are
in contested
prohibited from
working on a
But what
case in any
about neutrals?
capacity after
If both clients
it terminates. 3
agreed, could
they continue
It would also
as neutrals or
seem that
testify about
we can and should use the
attorneys nor
standards to improve our
created during
neutrals may
collaborative processes.
the process?
ever be involved
The answer,
in contested
now, appears
court matters
to be no.
between the
According to Standard 4.5A, “After
clients, regardless of termination
Termination, a Collaborative
or full resolution.
Professional will not provide any
service for the client(s) that is either
Likelihood of Reaching
(a) adverse to any other client in the
terminated Collaborative matter,
Florida Rule of Professional
or (b) related to the Collaborative
Conduct 4-1.19 regarding
matter.” Standard 3.12 broadens
Collaborative Law instructs us that
this notion and elaborates that a
attorneys must screen for domestic
collaborative professional (including
violence. IACP Standard 2.4 adds
a neutral) is forever prohibited from
another screening requirement: “[A]
participating in any proceeding that
involves the clients.
Continued on page 19
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