the bli PrograM offers Mentors to develoP leadershiP skills
Bar leadership Institute Committee Chairs : Nicole Duga - Hill Ward Henderson ; John Marchione – Himes & Hearn ; and Valeria Obi – Midland Credit Management , Inc .
“ a mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself .” — Maya angelou
© Can Stock Photo / jgroup
One of the many valuable resources the HCBA Bar Leadership Institute program provides to its participants is mentorship opportunities . I have had many mentors in my life , and I can directly attribute many of my successes to their influence . As Maya Angelou once said , “ A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself .” At the BLI , not only does each participant receive an official mentor from among the HCBA officers and directors , we also receive consistent direction from experienced attorneys and leaders like Grace Yang , who serves as our self-proclaimed “ class mom .” And we have the opportunity to interact with leaders in the local business , government , and non-profit sectors who provide insight and guidance on our development as future leaders in Tampa Bay .
The BLI program is full of interesting panel discussions , events , and activities that enrich the experience of its participants ; the BLI program also gives participants an opportunity to develop their leadership skills while
networking with influential leaders in the community who can serve as our future mentors .
In January , we attended a panel discussion with local leaders in the legal field , including Bradford D . Kimbro , Jim Shimberg , and our very own Gordon Hill , to discuss upcoming changes to the business community , as well as their roles as leaders . We had the chance to hear their background stories and to ask pointed and specific questions to guide us on our own journeys .
In February , we attended a tour of MacDill Air Force Base . We heard about its mission of refueling aircraft in the air , conducting airlift operations , and providing base support for MacDill ’ s units and partners . With over 18,000 employees on or near the base , MacDill AFB serves an integral role in Tampa Bay ’ s local economy .
In April , we will be completing our annual group project . This year , the BLI has partnered with the Spring of Tampa Bay — a local organization dedicated to preventing domestic violence ; providing safe shelter for victims ; and promoting change in lives , families , and communities in Tampa Bay . We will
transform an outdoor area into a meditation and relaxation space for the adults and children in the shelter , then enjoy an ice cream social with the residents .
Through these activities , BLI participants learn to engage with all aspects of the Tampa Bay community , including the legal industry , business community , local government , charities , and notfor-profit organizations . They all provide valuable services to a wide range of Tampa Bay residents . The intersection of these entities reflects the diverse and vast opportunities available locally for lawyers to serve as leaders in various capacities . All the individuals from whom we have received tours , talks , and tips share a love of the Tampa Bay community and a desire to help it reach its full potential — a desire the HCBA BLI program shares as well .
Author : Joseline Jean- Louis Hardrick - U . S . Middle District of Florida
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