H C B A P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E G o r d o n H i l l - H i l l W a r d H e n d e r s o n
the Constitution revision Commission – how Can we help ?
we as lawyers have an opportunity to take an important leadership role in educating the public and influencing the CrC process .
This is a special year in the history of our great State . As many of you know , the Florida Constitution Revision Commission ( CRC ) convenes once every 20 years to examine the State Constitution and to propose amendments for voter consideration .
The CRC meets for approximately one year — holding public hearings across the State , vetting public proposals by citizens , and proposing amendments of their own . Any proposals that pass the CRC ’ s final vote will be placed on Florida ’ s General Election ballot in November 2018 .
The CRC has finished vetting the public proposals and is now considering and tweaking Commissioner proposals . The CRC will then finalize the proposals and hold additional public hearings to further vet and refine the proposals for final placement on the ballot .
There are multiple CRC proposals of interest to the Bar . Specifically , there are several proposals that directly affect the judiciary , including proposals to raise the existing
retirement age for judges and Supreme Court justices from 70 to 75 ; to require all state court judges to be members of the Bar for 10 years ; to require all circuit and county court judges qualify for merit retention after their first term ; and to significantly overhaul the process for appointing judicial nominating commissions ( including requiring appointing authorities to consider diversity in making the commission appointments ). Other proposals of interest include abrogating the death penalty , opening appellate court deliberations to the public , and creating a constitutional right to “ a clean and healthful environment ” and a private right of action to enforce this proposed right .
Of course , the CRC ’ s work will impact so much more than the Bar and judiciary . At the time I write this article , there are over a hundred draft Commissioner proposals addressing a broad range of topics , such as education , voting rights , religious freedom , and privacy rights .
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