honoring eXCePtionaL serviCe anD ProfessionaLisM
Professionalism & Ethics Committee
Continued from page 54
attest to Joe’s passion for preserving
professionalism and his dedication
to mentoring the lawyers he works
with to work hard and do their best
without ever sacrificing candor,
courtesy, or professionalism in
the process.”
Dedicating his life to public
service, Christopher Moody
currently serves as Chief Assistant
State Attorney at the Thirteenth
Circuit State Attorney’s Office. Mr.
Mo ody worked under several State
Attorney administrations and was
instrumental in this year’s transition
to the current elected State Attorney.
Mr. Moody formerly served with
distinction as a captain in the
United States Marine Corps. He
took a hiatus from prosecuting to
JAN - FEB 2018
fulfill a dream of sharing his
reverence for the Founding Father’s
ideals with our youth. He moved
his family to Virginia and enjoyed
teaching history to high school
students. Upon returning to his
work as a prosecutor, he has
continued to educate by routinely
mentoring young prosecutors and
annually participating in Florida’s
Prosecutor/Public Defender
“Boot Camp” in Gainesville.
Lauded by current and former
assistant state attorneys and
multiple defense attorneys, Mr.
Moody has a reputation for
nothing less than the utmost
integrity and honesty. He is greatly
respected for his willingness to
listen, for providing his honest
opinion, and for making decisions
for the right reasons. Distinguished
homicide prosecutor Jay Pruner
stated, “Mr. Moody’s principled
leadership has set an exacting
ethical standard for each employee
in the State Attorney’s Office.
A true professional does the right
thing in the most difficult times.
Chris Moody is the truest of
Congratulations to these
deserving recipients on their
recognition for a lifetime of service
to others.
Hon. Frances
M. Perrone -
County Court