10th annuaL hCba 5k Pro bono river run - running anD Pro bono serviCe
5K Pro Bono River Run Committee Chairs : Hon . John Conrad and Hon . Miriam Valkenburg – Thirteenth Judicial Circuit
What does running have to do with pro bono service ? If you ’ re asking yourself that exact same question , continue reading . The HCBA , in conjunction with the Thirteen Judicial Circuit , is hosting its 10th Annual 5K Pro Bono River Run on Saturday , March 3 , in conjunction with the annual Judicial Pig Roast . Runners participating in the 5K are encouraged to pledge community service hours as part of their entry . As members of The Florida Bar , we have a “ professional responsibility to provide pro bono legal services to the poor .” See R . Regulating Fla . Bar 4-6.1 ( d ). Often , lawyers fail to meet their responsibility to provide pro bono services because we are afraid to volunteer in an unfamiliar area of law .
Providing pro bono services for the first time is very much like running a race . Your heart pounds , your palms may sweat , and you find yourself wondering , “ Why , am I doing this ?” Rest assured , running ( or walking ) a 5K is just as painless as providing legal services to those in need . In fact , both provide the participant with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment — and both fulfill a goal . Participating in the 5K will fulfill your physical aspirations , perhaps training , losing weight , or just staying in shape . Providing pro bono legal services will fulfill
“ if it doesn ’ t challenge you , it won ’ t change you .” — fred Devito
your professional responsibility and provide you with a new legal challenge .
Remember , “ If it does not challenge you , it won ’ t change you .” As legal professionals , we are always up for a good challenge — why not challenge yourself to take on one new case that may change you ? It may change the way you think , take you out of your comfort zone , and , most importantly , help someone that truly is in need of legal services . The Thirteenth Judicial Circuit has been a “ consistent leader in helping poor and low-income residents obtain access to justice .” See Hillsborough County Bar Assoc . Pro Bono / Volunteer Opportunities . Since 2011 , runners participating in the HCBA 5K Pro Bono River Run have pledged 11,505 pro bono service hours and have provided 13,751 hours of FREE legal services to our community . We challenge you to continue this tradition and join us as we help those that need it the most .
Please join the Thirteen Judicial Circuit and the HCBA on March 3 at 4:30 p . m , for the 10th annual 5K Pro Bono River Run . The race features music , water stations , entertainment , guaranteed camaraderie , and the best goody bags in town . This event has consistently been an overwhelming success . Please register online at www . hillsbar . com and remember to pledge your pro-bono hours for the 2018 calendar year . Pre-registration recommended .
Author : Hon . Miriam Valkenburg - Thirteenth Judicial Circuit
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