S P E C I A L F E A T U R E : M E E T T H E J U D G E S A u t h o r : L y n d s e y E . S i a r a – T h i r t e e n t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t
Continued from page 16
an open judge seat in 1990 . Her first judicial race ended with now-judge Chet Tharpe beating her for the seat . But not five days later , Judge Isom jumped into a different judicial contest and , in a close race , squeaked by with the popular vote . Twenty-seven years later , she is tied with Judge Tharpe for the title of longest sitting active circuit court judge ( although he was elected before her , they were invested on the same day ). “ But thanks to alphabetical order , I ’ m just above him on the seating chart and running list of seniority ,” she says , finding humor in her position of superiority over the person who actually beat her for his seat .
When it comes to interests outside the legal field , one name sums it up — Maria von Trapp . Like Maria in The Sound of Music , Judge Isom loves the mountains , hiking , and singing . “ Sometimes I even sing while I hike !” she joked ( although she , sadly , did not declare this with a tune ). Her mother majored in voice performance ; it must have rubbed off . From her first solo at six years old to her current singing gig in the Tampa Oratorio Singers community choral group , Judge Isom has always been a singer . Perhaps her most memorable singing experience was her premier at Carnegie Hall . Also high on her list of memorable achievements was hiking the Grand Canyon ’ s Rim-to-Rim Trail , as well as the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu . That takes some serious hiking skills !
In addition to hiking and singing , she is also an actress . Lesson learned from experience : if acting isn ’ t your forte , take it from me — do not get yourself in a room with Judge Isom and a camera because you just might find yourself making a cameo in the next Justice Games video or ethics skit . Kidding aside , after a silver jubilee of serving as a judge , her admitted “ favorite obsession ” is … drumroll … fairness and diversity . Did you guess that ?!? If you know anything about Judge Isom , that likely comes as no surprise . It was this obsession that led her to become a diversity trainer , instructing many of her colleagues on the topic , as well as a slew of chair positions and speaking engagements .
But as she nears retirement and feels the urge to pass the torch to a new generation , she is always happy to hear about diversity events she did not play a role in orchestrating . And as that time draws nearer , she and Woody have begun to plan their kayaking trips to Weedon Island , followed by a cold drink at The Getaway for sunset gazing . Of course , there will be more hiking , camping , and singing , likely with her grandchildren . But it is doubtful Judge Isom will totally give up the legal profession ; she is considering retraining as a facilitator or mediator . “ And I will always be available to provide unsolicited advice , especially for young lawyers ,” she laughed .
Fellow members of the HCBA , who would you like to know more about ? I solicit your input as to our next featured jurist so you can better get to know your judiciary . So long as I impart some new tidbit , I ’ d say it ’ s a job welldone . So for good measure , I ’ ll just add that Judge Isom ’ s favorite number is , in fact , thirteen . Until next time …
Author : Lyndsey E . Siara – Thirteenth Judicial Circuit
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