P R E S I D E N T ’ S
Melissa Mora - Adventist Health System
Young Lawyers Make a difference
“unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better. it’s not.” — dr. Seuss
he quote with my article this month is
that competition, benefitting 30 students from four
from The Lorax, written by Dr. Seuss.
high schools.
Although The Lorax was published more
The YLD has also partnered with Big Brothers
than 45 years ago, its message still holds
Big Sisters to host “Cornhole for a Cause,” an annual
true today (for children and adults alike)
event that raises funds for Big Brothers Big Sisters’
and provides a guiding principle for the HCBA YLD. Not
programs. Since that event’s inception, the YLD has
only does the YLD encourage members to get involved,
helped raise over $20,000. And each year the YLD hosts
but its board members lead by their actions and set an
Steak & Sports Day at a local foster home. The Steak
example for others in our community. These individuals
& Sports Day program, which benefits youngsters who
go beyond what their day
are separated from their
job requires by helping
families, typically reaches
those in the Tampa Bay
30-50 kids a year.
community and elsewhere.
Last year, under the
Over the past few years,
direction of HCBA Pres -
the YLD has participated
ident Kevin McLaughlin,
in a number of events
the YLD participated
that leave a lasting impact
in the John F. Germany
on the Tampa Bay com -
Young Readers Initiative,
munity. These events
a volunteer reading
benefit a variety of
program geared toward
groups, including our
local students who are
youth, new attorneys, and
at the lowest reading
our veterans. As YLD
competency levels. As
YLD members at the Coffee at the Courthouse event in January 2017.
President, it is my mission
part of that program,
to make sure we continue these programs and find ways
YLD and HCBA members teamed up to share and
to help out even more.
promote the enjoyment of reading to elementary school
In the 2015-2016 Bar year, the YLD reached 3,561
children. During the 2016-2017 school year, members
students through its participation in Law Week. In
read to 167 children at six underserved schools; the result
2016-2017, that number increased to 3,868. YLD and
was a total of 208 hours of volunteer reading time and
HCBA members led mock trials, gave courthouse tours,
557 books provided to children to take home.
and volunteered to be classroom speakers, benefitting
The YLD also hosts a number of programs to assist its
elementary, middle, and high school students throughout
members transition from law school to practice. Last year,
Hillsborough County. In addition to our Law Week
our Coffee at the Courthouse program hosted 50 young
program, the YLD hosts The Honorable Robert J.
lawyers and law students, with 25 judges participating.
Simms High School Mock Trial Competition annually,
This event is a great way for new lawyers to meet and
in which teams of six to eight high school students
mingle with judges outside of the courtroom setting. The
simulate the roles of attorneys and witnesses in a fictional
trial. Last year, 28 attorneys volunteered their time for
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